L2BEAT Delegate Platform


Firstly, allow us to introduce ourselves for anyone who isn’t already familiar with L2BEAT.

L2BEAT is an independent, public goods company who acts as an impartial watchdog for the Ethereum Layer2 ecosystem. Our mission is to provide comprehensive and unbiased analysis and comparative evaluations of Layer 2 solutions . We are committed to the verification and fact-checking of the claims made by each project, with a special focus on the security aspects. What sets L2BEAT apart is our unwavering commitment to delivering accurate and reliable information.

In addition, L2BEAT has a governance team (@Kaereste and @Sinkas) which actively participates in constructive discussions of specific protocol challenges and issues, fostering the discourse toward increasingly permissionless, open source, and trustless systems. Our participation in various DAOs and public debates reflects this commitment.

If you want more information on L2BEAT and our participation in Uniswap’s Governance, or if you want to delegate your UNI to L2BEAT, please refer to our delegate statement on Agora.

Delegate Communication Thread

To promote transparency and communication as delegates, we’ll be regularly updating the below thread with our actions in the governance of Uniswap. Our updates will include how we voted for different proposals and our rationale.

Update #1


[Tally] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Base

Due to some technical issues on our end, we were unable to cast our vote. However, we signalled our support in the forums.

[Tally] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Linea - Voted FOR

We voted in favour of the proposal as we’re very supportive of Ethereum L2s and we believe that i’s important to deploy one instance of Uniswap per L2.

[Snapshot] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Scroll - Voted FOR

As with the votes for Base and Linea, we also voted in favour of deploying Uniswap v3 on Scroll for the same reasons.

[Tally] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Scroll - Voted FOR

Following a successful temp-check, we also voted in favour of the proposal during the on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] Migrate the Celo Uniswap v3 Factory Contract owner from Optics to Wormhole - Voted FOR

We voted for the proposal as it was in line with the recommendations of the Uniswap Foundation found in the Bridge Assessment Report.

[Tally] Migrate the Celo Uniswap v3 Factory Contract owner from Optics to Wormhole - Voted FOR

We also voted in favour of the proposal in the subsequent on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] Deploy Uniswap v2 on all chains with v3 - Voted FOR

After weighing the pros against the cons of such a decision, we decided to vote in favour of the proposal. You can see our full rationale here.

[Tally] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Filecoin Virtual Machine - Voted FOR

We voted in favour of the proposal for the same reasons we’ve voted inf avour of deploying on Base, Linea and Scroll, even though FVM isn’t a layer 2.

[Snapshot] Complete the initial funding of the UF - Voted FOR

The vote was about the second tranche of the funding to be received from the UF which had been approved in the past. There was a buffer amount added to the proposal which made sense given capital or procedural losses the Foundation incurred in the first tranche.

[Tally] Complete the initial funding of the UF

Unfortunately, due to technical issues, we were unable to vote for the proposal during the on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] UAGP Team Election

We participated in the elections of members for the UNI-ARB Grant Program.

[Snapshot] UADP Team Election

We participated in the elections of members for the UNI-ARB Delegation Program.

[Snapshot] Issue a Visa Card with Uniswap Logo - Voted AGAINST

Since the IP for Uniswap’s logo belongs to Uniswap Labs and not the DAO, we are not in a position to use it without permission from the Labs. Therefore we decided to vote against the proposal.

[Snapshot] Invest in Ekubo Protocol - Voted AGAINST

After reviewing the proposal, we decided to vote against it. Our full rationale can be found here.

[Snapshot] Delegation of UNI to Active but Underrepresented Delegates - Voted FOR

After participating in the discussion and having our questions answered, we decided to vote in favour of the proposal.

[Snapshot] Competition of Delegation of UNI to Active but Underrepresented Delegates

Following the successful vote for the proposal to delegate UNI to active but underrepresented delegates, we participated in the election of delegates who would receive the delegation.

L2BEAT’s Uniswap Office Hours

To further our communication with our constituents and any interested party in the community, we’ll be hosting recurring Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 4pm UTC/ 11am EST

During the Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos) and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regards to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.


Update for the time period between December 2023 and April 2024:


[Tally] Deploy Uniswap V3 on Rootstock - Voted FOR

While we didn’t cast our vote in time during the temp-check, we signaled our support for the proposal in the forum and later voted in the proposal’s favor during the on-chain vote.

[Tally] Lower Onchain Proposal Threshold - Voted FOR

As with the vote above, we didn’t vote during the temp-check, but we signaled our support in the forums. We then voted for the proposal during the on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee Competition - Voted for Abdullah Umar

We participated in the elections for the members of the UDAC and threw our full voting power behind @AbdullahUmar.

[Snapshot] Uniswap Revitalization and Growth

Following the proposal to create onboarding packages for different chains, we cast our votes for how big the package for each chain should be. There were 10 individual votes on Snapshot. Although we didn’t share a rationale behind each choice, we did participate in the discussion to raise the point that we’d like to see a post-implementation analysis.

Following the Snapshot votes, the proposal went to on-chain vote where we voted in its favor.

[Snapshot] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Zora - Voted FOR

As with similar votes in the past, we voted in favor of the proposal.

[Tally] Deploy Uniswap V2 on all chains with V3 - Voted FOR

We have been in favor of this proposal ever since the temp check, so it was natural for us to vote in favor of the proposal during the on-chain vote as well.

[Snapshot] Activate Uniswap Protocol Governance - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of the proposal during temp check while also expressing our need to resolve the discussion around the setOwner() function before going to an on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] Uniswap V3 Fees: Factory Owner Amendment - Voted AGAINST

After following the discussion closely, we decided to vote against the proposal as we believed there was no concrete argument for forcing the amendment other than the need to further discuss the implementation of the ‘Activate Uniswap Protocol Governance’ proposal.

[Snapshot] Mobilizing Uniswap’s Treasury - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of the proposal during the temp check as treasury management is of vital importance and having a dedicated working group for it seems like the way to go.

L2BEAT’s Uniswap Office Hours

We want to remind everyone that every week, we’re hosting Uniswap Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 3 pm UTC/ 11 am EST

During Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos), and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regard to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us to engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.

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Update for the time period between April 2024 and July 2024:


[Snapshot[ Onboard Uniswap to SEI - Voted FOR

While we voted in favor of deploying Uniswap on SEI, we voted to do so without providing an onboarding package for the deployment as we saw it as experimentation outside of EVM.

[Snapshot] Update Uni v3/v2 Deployment Process (March 2024) - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of the proposal as we agreed that streamlining the process to recognize Uniswap deployments as canonical would help reduce governance overhead.

We also voted in favor during the subsequent on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] Uniswap Onboarding Package (Manta) - Voted FOR

As with other votes to deploy Uniswap on an Ethereum L2, we voted in favor of deploying on Manta, including an onboarding package.

[Snapshot] Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) Election

We participated in the elections for the Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) and decided to split our voting power between Karpatkey and GFX Labs.

[Tally] Onboarding Package Bundle - Voted FOR

Following a series of separate Snapshot votes for the deployment of onboarding packages to different chains, we voted in favor of ratifying the decisions in a bundle.

[Snapshot] DeFi Education Fund Temp Check - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of supporting DEF as we value the contributions they are making to the space with their work.

We also voted in favor of the proposal during the subsequent on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] DeFi Education Fund Temp Check (Options) - Voted for 300,000 UNI

Having voted in the associated vote to fund DEF, we opted to vote in favor of allocating 300,000 UNI to this purpose, which at that time amounted to ~$1,000,000.

[Tally] Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury - Voted FOR

After supporting the proposal during temp-check, and also voting in the elections of the UTWG, we supported the proposal to mobilize Uniswap’s treasury during the on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] Uniswap Delegate Reward - 3 Months-Cycle 1 - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of establishing delegate rewards for 3 months as a starting point to figuring out a more comprehensive program as we go.

We also voted in favor of the proposal at the subsequent on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] Onboard Uniswap to Redstone - Voted FOR

While we voted in favor of the deployment to Redstone, we did so without voting in favor of an onboarding package.

[Snapshot] Uniswap Arbitrum LTIPP Matching - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of matching the incentives received by LTIPP, while also ‘asking’ for the matching funds to be used to either extend the incentives distribution timeline, or to incentivize more pools, as opposed to simply increasing the existing rewards.

We also voted in favor of the proposal at the subsequent on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] Uniswap Onboarding Package - Gnosis Chain - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of the proposal as we’re generally supportive of new deployments, but we opted out of incentivizing the deployment as it’s outside of the Ethereum ecosystem and we treat it as experimental.


Uniswap Delegate Reward Working Group

We participated in the working group that was formed to research delegate rewards and came up with findings that helped inform the proposal to establish a 3-month delegate reward program.

L2BEAT’s Uniswap Office Hours

We want to remind everyone that every week, we’re hosting Uniswap Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 3 pm UTC/ 11 am EST

During Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos), and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regard to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us to engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.

1 Like

Update for the time period between July 2024 and August 2024:


[Snapshot & Tally] Uniswap Onboarding Package - OKX Chain - Voted AGAINST

We decided to vote against the proposal as OKX’s TVL was considerably low and liquidity too concentrated to warrant incentives at the time. We also voted against the proposal in the subsequent onchain vote.

[Snapshot] Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program - Voted FOR and opted for Arbitrum and Base

We voted in favor of the proposal while selecting only Arbitrum and Base as the chains to analyze and monitor. Focusing on the two chains with the highest TVL will be a good ‘proof of concept.’

[Snapshot + Tally] Revised - Uniswap Onboarding Package - OKX Chain

We didn’t cast our vote in time, but we commented on the forum to signal our support for the revised proposal. Similarly, we also missed the window to cast our vote during the onchain vote.

[Snapshot] Activate 2, 3, 4 bps fee tiers on Uniswap v3 on Base - Voted FOR

After reviewing the discussion surrounding the proposal, we voted in its favor as we believe it’s worth experimenting with lower fee tiers.

[Snapshot + Tally] Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 2 - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of the proposal as the results from Cycle 1 were satisfactory, and the changes made to the program were sensible. We also voted in favor in the subsequent onchain vote.

L2BEAT’s Uniswap Office Hours

We want to remind everyone that every week, we’re hosting Uniswap Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 3 pm UTC/ 11 am EST

During Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos), and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regard to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us to engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.

Update for the time period between August and September 2024.


[Snapshot] Ethereum Foundation Attackathon Sponsorship - Voted FOR

We are generally supportive of initiatives that benefit the entire Ethereum ecosystem and therefore we voted in favor of the proposal.

[Tally] Proposal to activate 2, 3, 4 bps fee-tiers on Base - Voted FOR

Although we did not have a strong opinion on the proposal, we voted in its favor after following the discussion surrounding it.

[Snapshot+Tally] UAC Renewal S3 & Approved Budgets Rebalancing - Voted FOR

After reviewing the Committee’s Season 2 report and performance, we concluded that renewing it was sensible and something we could get behind. As a result, we voted in its favor, including the rebalancing of the approved budgets. We also supported the proposal during the subsequent onchain vote.

[Snapshot] Uniswap Delegate Race Tiebreaker - Voted for BOTH

We voted in favor of including both delegates who were tied for the delegate incentives program eligibility.

[Tally] Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program - voted FOR

We initially voted in favor of the proposal while raising some points that we’d like to see addressed. While those points were not 100% resolved, the amendments made before the onchain vote were satisfactory enough for us to vote in favor.


Uniswap Governance Community Call

We attended the first Uniswap Governance Community call lead by the UAC on September 10th.

L2BEAT’s Uniswap Office Hours

We want to remind everyone that every week, we’re hosting Uniswap Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 3 pm UTC/ 11 am EST

During Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos), and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regard to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us to engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.

Update for the time period between September and October 2024:


[Snapshot] Uniswap Accountability Committee S3 Elections

We participated in the elections for the third season of the UAC and spread our vote equally across three candidates. You can see which applications we supported and why here.

[Snapshot] Onboarding Package for Lisk - Voted FOR

As with other L2 deployments, we supported the one for Lisk. We also voted in favor of the onboarding package, given Lisk’s commitment to matching it and also to locking in $1M worth of POL to help bootstrap the deployment.

[Snapshot + Tally] Uniswap Growth Program Trial - Voted FOR

We found the proposed growth program to be tackling existing needs in a reasonable manner. Therefore, we voted in favor of the proposal. We also supported the proposal during the subsequent onchain vote.

[Tally] Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program - Voted FOR

The original proposal for Forse didn’t meet quorum even though it had considerable support, including our own. The proposal went to a vote again, this time in a slightly revised format, which made it even more appealing as it reduced the cost and increased the number of chains covered. We voted in its favor as we did the first time around.

[Snapshot] Tally Uniswap Proposal - Voted FOR

We value Tally’s contributions to Uniswap’s DAO and the broader governance ecosystem in general, and therefore, we were supportive of the proposal. We voted in favor because we found the request to be reasonable and justifiable.

L2BEAT’s Uniswap Office Hours

:bulb: Please note that daylight savings has shifted the hour of our office hours

We want to remind everyone that every week, we’re hosting Uniswap Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 4 pm UTC/ 11 am EST

During Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos), and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regard to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us to engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.

Update for the time period between October and November 2024:


[Snapshot + Tally] Tally Uniswap Proposal - Voted FOR

In recognition of Tally’s contribution to Uniswap’s DAO and to the overall governance space, we voted in favor of their proposal for their continuous development. We also voted in favor of the proposal during the subsequent onchain vote.


Although not part of any particular discussion, we attended the delegate workshops during Uniday in the context of Devcon in Bangkok.

L2BEAT’s Uniswap Office Hours

We want to remind everyone that every week, we’re hosting Uniswap Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 4 pm UTC/ 11 am EST

During Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos), and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regard to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us to engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.

Update for the time period between November and December 2024:


[Snapshot] Uniswap DAO Principles

Unfortunately, we missed the voting deadline and could not cast our vote. However, we commented in the forum to signal our support for the proposal.

[Snapshot] Adopt The SEAL Safe Harbor Agreement - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of the proposal as we believe adopting the SEAL agreement would enhance security without really any overhead or risk from the DAO.

[Snapshot] Scale Uniswap Liquidity on Celo - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of Celo’s proposal since their TVL and liquidity were deep enough, and they were willing to match the incentives with double the amount in CELO.

[Snapshot] Metal L2: Bridging TradFi and DeFi Through Uniswap V3 - Voted AGAINST

We voted against Metal’s proposal at this time due to their TVL being too low to justify the $250,000 onboarding package for incentives.

[Snapshot] Discretionary Budget from UAC for Co-Incentive Campaigns - Voted FOR

The UAC has done exemplary work so far, and we are confident in their ability to exercise discretion in using the surplus budget from UNI’s price appreciation for co-incentive campaigns. As a result, we voted in favor of the proposal.

[Snapshot] Incentive Package for Sonic (Formerly Fantom) - Voted AGAINST

While we’re generally supportive of new Uniswap deployments, even if outside the Ethereum ecosystem, we’re also generally against deploying incentives to non-EVM deployments. Therefore, we voted against Sonic’s proposal.


Uniswap Governance Community Call

We attended the monthly governance call on Tuesday 10th of December.

L2BEAT’s Uniswap Office Hours

We want to remind everyone that every week, we’re hosting Uniswap Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 4 pm UTC/ 11 am EST

During Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos), and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regard to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us to engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.

Update for the time period between December 2024 and January 2025


[Tally] Scale Uniswap Liquidity on Celo - Voted FOR

Following our support on Snapshot, we also voted in favor during the on-chain vote.

[Tally] Incentive Package for Sonic - No vote

We, unfortunately, lost the voting deadline, but we commented under the proposal to say that we would have voted against it following the same direction that we took during the temp-check.

[Tally] Uniswap DAO Principles - Voted FOR

As we expressed during the temp-check period, we were supportive of this proposal. We believe that these principles are positive steps to the evolution of the DAO.

[Tally] Adopt The SEAL Safe Harbor Agreement - Voted FOR

Considering there have been no changes since the temp check, we decided to extend our support of this proposal in the on-chain vote.


Monthly Governance Community Call

We attended the monthly community call that took place on January 14th.

DEF Community Call

We attended the monthly community call for updated by the DeFi Education Fund (DEF) that took place on January 28th.

L2BEAT’s Office Hours

We want to remind everyone that every week, we’re hosting L2BEAT Governance Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 4 pm UTC/ 11 am EST

During Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos), and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regard to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us to engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Uniswap that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.