The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @kaereste and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.
We’ll vote for the proposal and opt to match the ARB received by LTIPP with $750,000 worth of UNI, going for an almost 1:1 matching in USD terms.
As outlined in the report provided by Gauntlet, the impact previous incentives had was extraordinary, and therefore we believe it’s worth doubling down on it. While it’s true that Uniswap has cemented itself in Arbitrum, we should seek to remain competitive, especially when other DEXs will also be offering incentives.
One thing we’d like to see the matching funds used for, however, is to either incentivize more pools or extend the timeline of the overall incentive distribution. If we are to match, we believe we shouldn’t simply double the amount of incentives distributed in the same pools over the same period.
Having said that, we understand that Gauntlet will be responsible for utilizing the funds in the way that makes the most sense, and we’ll trust their judgment in the matter.