Uniswap Governance Community Calls

The first meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 10, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM ET.

If you are a part of the of cycle 2 of delegate rewards, we are giving teams a “free” absence due to the short notice for this call. We still encourage all teams to attend and engage with other delegates.

Most individuals with active discussions and proposals have already been contacted. If you have a topic that you feel is important to discuss, please send us a message.

Prospective itinerary:

  • UAC Renewal and Accounts Rebalancing
  • Update on New Incentive Distributions
  • Base 2, 3, 4 bps fee-tiers (onchain vote)
  • UTWG Status Update
  • Conclusion of Uniswap-Arbitrum LTIPP
  • Open Discussion: Experimentation with Temperature Checks