[Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward -3 Months-Cycle 1

The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @kaereste and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

We appreciate the time spent on this proposal, and we’ll be voting in its favor, with the hope of seeing it positively impact participation in governance.

We were part of the Delegate Incentives Working Group and followed the conversation after the proposal was submitted to the forum, both here and in the working group’s Telegram group.

Creating a delegate incentives program is a very nuanced thing as there are many factors to take into account and challenges that are inherent to the governance structure as a whole, as we’ve learned from our experience in other DAOs. We understand the feedback the proposal has received, but as @Doo_StableLab suggests, it’s very hard to come up with a design that leaves everyone happy.

The proposal is a good starting point to help move things forward in a way that recognizes the value active delegates bring to the DAO. At the same time, it can also be a stepping stone to allocate more time towards not only researching the problems with delegate incentives programs but also workshopping potential solutions.

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