Uniswap Delegate Reward Application Thread

For the Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative, there’s a week-long period for delegate candidates to submit their applications. However, we believe that it’s important to give ample time as much as possible to ensure all the eligible delegates are included. Therefore, the application is posted now to give more time. Please note that at least been an Uniswap delegate for 3 months or more (Voted on Snapshot or Onchain vote at least 3 months ago) and Voting Power of 10k $UNI or more OR Authored or co-authored a proposal that at least passed the Snapshot Vote will be based on the date of Uniswap Delegate Reward proposal on snapshot ends.

Application Form

Applicant Name:
Link to Delegate Forum Platform:
Link to Snapshot Profile:
Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile:
Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI):
Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote:
Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?:
Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?:
Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):


Metrics for Selection of Top 11 Candidates

In case there are more than 11 eligible applicants, the top 11 will be chosen by the following objective metrics. The highest point would be 10.

1. Voting Participation

-Considering one of the primary roles of the delegate is to receive voting power from their delegators to vote on behalf for the best of Uniswap, voting participation are crucial to ensure quorums are met and malicious proposals are prevented. The Full point from this category is 5. The onchain part is weighted more heavily due to its usual frictions such as gas cost, as well as its importance that its votes directly can dictate code changes or treasury. The voting rate is based on the past 3 months.

1. Offchain Voting (Snapshot)

  1. 80% and above : 2
  2. 70% till 80% : 1.5
  3. 60% till 70%: 1
  4. 50% or below but above 0%: 0.5
  5. 0% : 0

2.Onchain Voting

  1. 80% and above : 3
  2. 70% till 80% : 2.25
  3. 60% till 70%: 1.5
  4. 50% or below but above 0%: 0.75
  5. 0% : 0

2. Proposal Authorship

-Helping to write proposals for Uniswap DAO is important. However, we also want to prevent low-quality or malicious proposals. Therefore, only passed votes would count. The full point for this category is 4. The onchain part is weighted more heavily as it’s more difficult to have a proposal to pass the onchain vote as well as its importance that its proposals directly can dictate code changes or treasury.

In case of non-binary proposals, if the choice equivalent to “No” was present, and the end voting result was another choice than “No”, then it would be considered as valid for below. For example, Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) Election wouldn’t be valid for the points as there’s no “No” vote . But [Temp] Uni Onboarding Package - BSC would be valid for the points as there was a choice of “Against”. And the voting result was “$1m”.

1. Authored or Co authored a proposal that passed offchain (snapshot) vote before.

  1. Yes, 2 or more : 1
  2. Yes, 1 : 0.5
  3. No: 0

2.Authored or Co authored a proposal that passed onchain vote before

  1. Yes, 2 or more : 3
  2. Yes, 1 : 1.5
  3. No: 0

3. Other Governance Participation

-The full point for this category is 1. This category is to recognize other ways one could contribute to discussion regarding Uniswap Governance. This can be achieved by either

1. Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before

  1. Yes: 1
  2. No: 0


2. Joined Uniswap Community Call Before

  1. Yes: 1
  2. No: 0

Tie Breaker

-In rare cases if there are ties, this will be first decided by how many “likes” one received on the forum. Considering likes would ideally be tied to how many posts one has made and also how liked their posts are. We believe this is a fair way to have them as Tie Breakers.


Applicant Name: Keyrock

Link to Delegate Forum Platform:

Link to Snapshot Profile: https://snapshot.org/#/profile/0x1855f41B8A86e701E33199DE7C25d3e3830698ba

Link to Tally/ Agora/ Onchain voting profile:

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote : N/A

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when? : N/A

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when? Dec 2023 / Feb 2024

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program:
Keyrock is active across a variety of on-chain ecosystems and DAOs, providing expertise to scale and grow the next generation of finance. We believe governance is a crucial yet overlooked process, and delegates play a vital role in shaping the trajectory of Uniswap. Despite this, the DAO struggles with low voter turnout, averaging only a ≈6% voting turnout over the past three months, while a quorum of 4% is required. We believe this program will incentivise active delegates, elevate the quality and depth of discussion, and increase governance participation.


Applicant Name: Karpatkey

Link to Delegate Forum Platform: https://gov.uniswap.org/t/karpatkey-delegate-platform/21773?u=karpatkey

Link to Snapshot Profile: https://snapshot.org/#/profile/0x8787FC2De4De95c53e5E3a4e5459247D9773ea52

Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/0x8787fc2de4de95c53e5e3a4e5459247d9773ea52

Link to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI) : n/a

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote: n/a

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?: Yes. We joined:

  • Uniswap delegate workshop in New York, September 2023
  • EthDenver “Govswap”, February 2024

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?: Yes. We joined in:

  • March 2024
  • May 2024

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):
Karpatkey is a DeFi-native organisation specialising in professional treasury development since 2020. We work with leading DAOs to diversify their treasuries into sustainable portfolios and serve as delegates for Uniswap, Arbitrum, ENS, Aave and Balancer among other DAOs. As written in our delegate statement, we aim to actively contribute to the long-term sustainability of the Uniswap ecosystem and improve its governance process. We believe this program fits into that as a first step to increase participation rate and high-value discussion and action.


Applicant Name: Blockworks Research

Link to Delegate Forum Platform:


Link to Snapshot Profile:


Link to Tally onchain voting profile:


Applicant Summary:

DAOs are the future of coordination. Blockworks Research’s mission is to enable DAOs to reach their full potential by helping inform protocol structure, strategy, treasury spending, and community development. We strongly believe that Uniswap should lead by example in DAO operations, and we are committed to executing on this initiative. Blockworks Research has played an active role in the DAO over the past six months, whether that be through delegate duties, hosting the monthly community calls, or joining the accountability committee to facilitate the crosschain expansion strategy. We are excited to continue our active participation in the DAO and strive to drive further engagement as we advance.


Applicant Name: PGov

Link to Delegate Forum Platform: Here (@PGov @Juanbug)
Link to Snapshot Profile: Here
Link to Tally Voting Profile: Here

Proposal that you authored, co-authored/help draft that passed the snapshot and on chain vote:

Uniswap-Arbitrum Working Group, Accountability Committee

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop and/or Uniswap Community Calls?

  • EthDenver “Govswap,” (February 2024)
  • Monthly Community Calls (Various in 2024)

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):

Thank you everyone for your consideration. Our team lead, @juanbug, has been an active Uniswap community member for over two years now and has helped draft and submit various proposals to governance. We have maintained a 100% voting and participation rate since inception and have attended as many Uniswap events and calls as we can. We currently help on the Accountability Committee and UADP and will continue to help on any other initiatives where we can provide support. Thanks again!


As the offchain proposal for the Delegate Reward Cycle 1 has passed. The application period will officially start. The closing date will be 20th of May 9PM CET.

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Applicant name: atiselsts.eth

Link to Delegate Forum Platform: https://gov.uniswap.org/t/atiselsts-eth-delegate-platform/22270

Link to Snapshot Profile: https://snapshot.org/#/profile/0xAac35d953Ef23aE2E61a866ab93deA6eC0050bcD

Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/0xaac35d953ef23ae2e61a866ab93dea6ec0050bcd

Link to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI) : n/a

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote: n/a

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?: No (but I’ll be in EthCC’s “GovSwap” this year).

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?: Yes, January/February/March/April 2024.

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program:
I’m a researcher and consultant fascinated with the Uniswap protocol, professionally and academically involved with it since 2021. I have participated in Uniswap governance since July 2023, with near 100% voting rate, and have maintained active presence in the forum. My conflicts of interest are minimized, since I’m not a service provider for the DAO or professionally affiliated with DeFi protocols unrelated to Uniswap, which makes it fair to be compensated for my time spent on its governance activities here. In perspective, I’m looking forward to getting more actively involved in crafting proposals, especially v4-related ones.


Applicant Name: Franklin DAO (formerly Penn Blockchain)

Link to Delegate Forum Platform: https://gov.uniswap.org/u/pennblockchain/summary

Link to Snapshot Profile: https://snapshot.org/#/profile/0x070341aA5Ed571f0FB2c4a5641409B1A46b4961b

Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile:



Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI):
(Proposal authored by prior leadership under the Franklin DAO name) https://snapshot.org/#/uniswapgovernance.eth/proposal/0xbab5cd9d9cc5123ea5da8eb45e321463f1a0fd2543dc17587db1f24099d90dfc

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote: (Proposal authored by prior leadership under the Franklin DAO name) https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/proposal/30

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?:
Yes - Gov Swap ETH Denver 2024

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?:
Yes - Community call of 05/15/24

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):
Franklin DAO is an organization run completely by students from The University of Pennsylvania’s undergraduate and graduate schools as well as alumni. Our main priority is to provide students opportunities for industry experience by interfacing directly with the leading companies and DAOs in crypto. Our Governance arm runs a recognized delegate platform across multiple DeFi DAOs. We aim to contribute in an unbiased but meaningful manner to the sustainability and growth of DeFi protocols such as Uniswap via governance. We’re currently contributing to Uniswap in the UTWG. We believe this is a great opportunity to test new methods of incentivizing voter participation as well as rewarding continued contribution to governance related discussions.


Applicant Name: StableLab
Link to Delegate Forum Platform: https://gov.uniswap.org/t/stablelab-delegate-platform/21240?u=doo_stablelab
Link to Snapshot Profile:
Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile:
Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI):
[Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward -3 Months-Cycle 1
DeFi Education Fund Temp Check- Options
[Temp Check] Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury
[Temperature Check]: Delegation of UNI to Active but Underrepresented Delegates
Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote:
Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury
Delegation of UNI to Active but Underrepresented Delegates
Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?:
Yes, Nneoma from our team attended during ETHDenver
Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?:
Yes, all the calls so far.
Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):
StableLab is the leading provider of governance solutions for decentralized protocols. We contribute to over 25 protocols and ecosystems with exceptional participation metrics. We have been contributing extensively to Uniswap and wish for the program to evolve but at the same time, reward delegates for their contributions.


Applicant Name: GFX Labs (@GFXlabs)

Link to Delegate Forum Platform: Delegate platform on Agora

Link to Snapshot Profile: GFX on Snapshot

Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile: GFX on Tally

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI): We have proposed 20 proposals that have passed Snapshot

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote: We have proposed 10 proposals that have passed on Tally

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?: GFX has been a longtime contributor for several years

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?: GFX has been a longtime contributor for several years

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph): GFX Labs (and its founder before it was created) has been one of the most active and prolific Uniswap contributors. We consistently vote, provide feedback on proposals, draft proposals, and provide independent business development and public policy support for Uniswap.


Applicant Name: Blockchain Education Network (BEN)

Link to Delegate Forum Platform:

Link to Snapshot Profile:

Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile:

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI):

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote:

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?:
Yes, GovSwap during ETHDenver

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?:
Yes, joined calls throughout 2024, and hosted calls as early as 2021

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):
Since 2021, BEN has been a champion for onboarding diverse voices onto Uniswap governance through running our own delegate, hosting various governance calls and voting on several proposals with 70+ students participating from over 13 universities around the world. We also assisted several blockchain clubs, including Rutgers, Blockchain at Michigan, and Penn Blockchain, in setting up their own Aave, Uniswap, and Compound delegates through educational workshops with Harvard Law and Berkeley and direct connections to interested parties like a16z who wanted to delegate their voting power to more student groups.

We have had a considerable impact in Uniswap governance over the years. Through this program we hope to have a continued sustained model to grow our impact, educate the community, drive more participation, and create more tangible results for the Uniswap ecosystem.

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Applicant Name: L2BEAT
Link to Delegate Forum Platform: https://gov.uniswap.org/t/l2beat-delegate-platform/22449
Link to Snapshot Profile: https://snapshot.org/#/profile/0x1B686eE8E31c5959D9F5BBd8122a58682788eeaD
Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/l2beatcom.eth
Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI): N/A
Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote: N/A
Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?: N/A
Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?: At least 1 representative from L2BEAT governance team has joined in all calls that took place in 2024 so far.
Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph): L2BEAT is a public goods company that acts as an impartial watchdog for the Ethereum ecosystem with a specific focus on Layer 2s. In our attempt to help steer the broader Ethereum ecosystem, including Uniswap, towards a robust decentralized future, we also participate in several DAOs as active delegates. Participating in the program will help us continue our active involvement in a sustainable way and without having to compromise on the level of our engagement.

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Applicant Name: Gauntlet

Link to Delegate Forum Platform:

Link to Snapshot Profile:

Link to Tally/ Agora/ Onchain Voting Profile:

Links to proposals that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain vote:

Joined the Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?
ETH Denver GovSwap 2024

Joined the Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?
Yes, March 2024, April 2024

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program:
Gauntlet has been active in the Uniswap ecosystem for a number of years. We believe governance participation is crucial to balance a diverse set of viewpoints and that this program will help ensure a core base of delegate engagement. Gauntlet will continue to bring our data-driven background and experience across governance ecosystems to the Uniswap DAO.

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Applicant Name: 404 DAO

Link to Delegate Forum Platform: https://gov.uniswap.org/t/404-dao-delegate-platform/22285/1

Link to Snapshot Profile: https://snapshot.org/#/profile/0xE93D59CC0bcECFD4ac204827eF67c5266079E2b5

Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/profile/404dao-governance.eth

Link to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI) : N/a

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote: N/a

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?:

  • Uniswap “Blessing” in New York - September 2023
  • EthDenver “GovSwap” - February 2024

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?:

  • December 12, 2023
  • January 16, 2024
  • February 13, 2024
  • March 12, 2024
  • April 9, 2024

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):

404 DAO’s motivation for applying to this delegate incentive program arises from our dedication and commitment to the Uniswap DAO. We have been an active delegate since joining the community last August; participating in several of the community calls and providing feedback on proposals. As a participant in the “Active but Underrepresented Delegate” Program we have maintained a high voting & participation rate. Engaging in this program will enable our team to maintain its active involvement in the DAO and support its long-term health and success.

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Applicant Name: Arana Digital

Link to Delegate Forum Post: https://gov.uniswap.org/t/arana-digital-delegate-platform/23971

Link to Snapshot Profile: https://snapshot.org/#/profile/0x0579A616689f7ed748dC07692A3F150D44b0CA09

Link to Tally/Agora Onchain Voting Profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/0x0579a616689f7ed748dc07692a3f150d44b0ca09

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI):

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote:

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?:


  • Uniswap Delegate “Blessing” in NYC (September, 2023)
  • EthDenver Govswap (February 2024)

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?:

  • Yes–January, March, and April 2024

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):

Our members have been active participants in the Uniswap DAO for the past ~2 years under the Michigan Blockchain brand. History with the DAO allows us to make informed voting decisions. During our tenure, we’ve maintained an excellent voting record, passed numerous proposals, and collaborated with multiple other delegates, the Foundation, and adjacent teams associated with Uniswap. Arana hopes to continue delivering on its members’ previous commitments to the Uniswap DAO going forward, abiding by transparent communication & thoughtful decision making, all with the intention of bettering Uniswap as a whole.

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Michigan Blockchain wrote that they want to submit but couldn’t due to account restriction. As the message was right on 9PM CET. Believe we should also consider their application as in once they can post it on the forum soon.

By the deadline, there were 14 applicants. Top 11 were chosen after the calculation. There were 5 applicants that had to go through the tie breaker, which were sorted by the “likes” they have received on the forum.

Applicants may appeal until May 24th 9pm CET if they believe the information or points recorded is not accurate.


on the case for this

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@Doo_StableLab I wonder if delegates such as karpatkey or 404 should be claiming proposal authorship or credit for contribution to this proposal itself?

We might have overlooked this, but I know there were a few delegates who participated in calls and provided weeks of feedback to this proposal for example, but that’s not captured in the self-reported authorship metric.

I can imagine some might be up to debate. But for now, the best way would be via self reporting and then appeal if needed.