Uniswap Delegate Reward Application Thread

I think this goes back to the difficulty of capturing subjective metrics. Which supports why objective metrics for rewards are better ways to start. Even seemingly objective metrics like authored proposal or Co authored proposal can become more complex if there’s tint of subjectivity

Alternatively, Cycle 1 can accept 12 applicants rather than 11 applicants. As then there won’t be ties and this won’t be an issue. But will leave qualified delegates for their opinions.

Am in favor of just adding the 12th delegate. A dozen is a nice recognizable number and sounds logically nice, especially considering how close this was.


As Jun’s comment got many likes and no dissent, Cycle 1 will proceed to accept 12 applicants.


Want to drop a quick thank you note to both @Juanbug and @Doo_StableLab for extending the number of applicants for Cycle 1 and including L2BEAT.


Applicant Name: Michigan Blockchain

Link to Delegate Forum Platform:


Link to Snapshot Profile:


Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile:


Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI):

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Should we deploy Uniswap V3 on Celo?

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote:

Update Uni v3/v2 Deployment Process (March 2024)

Deploy Uniswap V3 on Rootstock

Deploy Uniswap V3 on Scroll

Deploy Uniswap V3 on Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)

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Deploy Uniswap V3 on Avalanche

Deploy Uniswap v3 on Celo

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?:

  • Uniswap Delegate “Blessing” in NYC (September, 2023)
  • EthDenver Govswap (February 2024)

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?:

  • Yes–January, March, and April 2024

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):

Michigan Blockchain is an organization run by students at the University of Michigan. Our main goal is to educate students about blockchain and prepare them for roles within and outside our organization including governance, consulting, and investment. We have been involved and active in the Uniswap governance ecosystem for around three years now, and are also involved in governance across other DAOs. We think this program does a great job in incentivizing governance participants to first, consistently vote, and more importantly, make more informed voting decisions. We also appreciate that this program incentivizes engaging in discussion with community members and proposing your ideas. This is crucial in involving a wider pool of delegates to suggest improvements and share ideas about the protocol.

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