What's in for the new Uni users?

What do the new users of uniswap stand to benefit for using it? This has to be looked into because if there are rewards for new users joining daily, then the community can only keep growing and expanding.

The same as users always have. The airdrop of UNI hasn’t changed the utility of Uniswap.

All users get access to an extremely easy to use and cheap way to exchange tokens from the comfort of their own wallet without having to transfer funds out to do so.

All users can also become liquidity providers, staking a token and collateral into a Liquidity Pool (LP) and receive proportional rewards whenever another user uses the swap feature to access funds from a pool you’ve contributed to.

I’ve been using Uniswap since inception and I never expected any type of compensation - simply being able to quickly swap coins, stake and earn passive income was enough incentive for me to join. That, and the fact that all of my tokens are stored safely on my Ledger hardware wallet. Since Uniswap uses smart contracts, which are simply a wrapper, you never lose control of your assets and can redeem them at any time.


Hey Tsidkenu,

Although this is an interesting discussions, it’s probably better suited for the Discord channel (general chat): https://discord.gg/KhpCwK.