Michigan Blockchain Delegate Platform

Michigan Blockchain Delegate Platform

Contact & Delegate information.

Wallet Address: 0x13BDaE8c5F0fC40231F0E6A4ad70196F59138548

ENS: michiganblockchain.eth

Twitter Handle: @UMichBlockchain

Email: defi-delegates@umich.edu

Tally Profile 12

Website: General Site 2

About Us

Michigan Blockchain is a student-run organization at the University of Michigan, involved in building blockchain leaders since 2019. We offer our members educational and professional development, in addition to project-based opportunities. Over the past six years, Michigan Blockchain has partnered with over 20 organizations and has governed a combined $30M in delegations. All new members go through a semester-long cohort that teaches them about the fundamentals of blockchain and provides them exposure to a diversity of blockchain applications. Our educational program prepares members for organizational involvement through three main avenues: governance, consulting, and investment.

Governance Overview

Our team has actively participated in governance voting and spearheaded proposal development for 5 primary protocols: Uniswap, Arbitrum, Compound, Origin Protocol, and Stader Labs. Each protocol is assigned a designated expert, responsible for continuous monitoring of the protocol’s developments on forums, social media, and voting platforms (Snapshot and Tally).

At committee meetings, protocol leads share updates with the entire governance team on active proposals and debate the pros/cons to reach a collective decision on how to vote with our delegated tokens. We have a high participation rate, having reviewed and kept up our voting record for each delegated protocol. Additionally, our team has successfully led the establishment of proposals from start to finish. Prior to publicization, we collaborate with numerous stakeholders including investors, DAO service providers, and other protocols to draft proposals properly.

By delegating to our organization, you permit your tokens to be effectively and actively used for furthering innovation on the leading decentralized exchange. We aim to have the Uniswap DAO serve as a role model for decentralized community participation and further solidify its position in the DeFi landscape.

Historically, we have interacted on Uniswap forums under individuals’ names, but going forward it will be under the Michigan Blockchain name.


  • Fostering an inclusive community that encourages diversity, education, and open-minded discussions to produce the best ideas
  • Ensuring sustainability through the long-term success of the protocol, along with governance token value accrual for the benefit of the DAO without negatively impacting dapp users
  • Promoting open communication and visibility to build trust while prioritizing flexibility to swiftly address issues

Possible Conflicts of Interest

We are active governance contributors to ARB, COMP, OGN, and SD.


June Voting Update
Arbitrum LTIPP Incentive Matching

  • Michigan blockchain has voted for the $750K incentive match on the temp check and on-chain votes. The ~1:1 match in USD demonstrates Uniswaps commitment to maintain its competitive edge in the ecosystem plus strengthen its relationship with Arbitrum. We support the current plan to use the funds to incentive LPs, but are also open for the funds to be used in other creative ways as discussed above. We trust the funds will be allocated in the most effective manner.

For voting prior to this, @AbdullahUmar was in charge of Michigan Blockchain’s delegation so we will be linking his responses as ours as well below. We feel the same way and our reasoning can be reflected through these posts.

May Voting Update
[Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward -3 Months-Cycle 1 - Snapshot
[Temp Check] Onboard Uniswap to Redstone - Snapshot
DeFi Education Fund - On-chain
Uniswap Delegate Reward- 3 Months Cycle 1 - On-chain

April Voting Update
[Temp Check] Onboard Uniswap to Sei - Snapshot
Update Uni v3/v2 Deployment Process (March 2024) - Snapshot
[Temp Check] Uniswap Onboarding Package - Manta - Snapshot
Onboarding Package Bundle - On-chain
Update Uni v3/v2 Deployment Process (March 2024) - On-chain
Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) Election - Snapshot
DeFi Education Fund Temp Check - Snapshot
DeFi Education Fund Temp Check- Options - Snapshot
Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury - On-chain

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July Voting Update
[Temp Check] Uniswap Onboarding Package - Gnosis Chain

  • We voted for the $250k onboarding package for Uniswap on Gnosis Chain since we believe this amount represents a good starting point for incentives. This decision aligns with past onboarding packages for similar chains and takes into account that Gnosis Chain currently has a lower TVL compared to other networks that also received $250k in incentives.
  • We view the $250k investment as a sufficient amount to bootstrap liquidity and gain significant market share with the current competition among DEXs. When moved to on chain vote we’d like to see how the $250k in incentives will be used.

August Voting Update
[TEMP CHECK] Uniswap Onboarding Package - OKX Chain

  • Llayer has very low TVL < 5M and Lots of it comes from the same wallet in each pool. Don’t believe the market is mature enough to start providing incentives for people to contribute to pools if it isn’t already naturally occuring.

[Temp Check] Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program

  • Split vote evenly between Arbitrum and Base. Originally planned on just voting for Arbitrum as it is the largest, most established L2 on the list and the analysis could be used as a benchmark for future incentive/growth programs. Being a much newer L2 with a lot of recent growth, we decided to add Base as well. Think it would be good to have this additional comparison to see how these programs drive adoption on newer platforms, since the point isn’t to limit deployment of Uniswap to only the oldest/most established L2s.

[TEMP CHECK]- Revised - Uniswap Onboarding Package - OKX Chain

  • Originally voted against incentives. Missed vote here.

Onboarding Package for Gnosis Chain

  • Reasoning stayed same as reasoning during temp check

Deploy Uniswap v3 on X Layer

  • Voted in favor because we agree with subsidizing the Oku integration. Agree that incentives are not necessary at the moment and that Uniswap could gain dominance on X Layer by deploying while it has relatively low TVL. Unnecessary incentive spend was our main issue initially.

[REDO: Temp Check] Activate 2, 3, 4 bps fee tiers on Uniswap v3 on Base

  • Voted in favor because it addresses uniswaps declining market share on Base. The new fee tiers could allow uniswap to compete more effectively against Aerodrome, plus the multiple tiers make the proposal flexible if competitors further change their fees.

[Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 2

  • Support Cycle 2 for Delegate Rewards and the expansion to 15 delegates. The extra slots and lower VP requirement incentivize smaller delegates to get and stay involved in governance, which we think is a huge benefit for the DAO in terms of increasing governance participation.
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September Voting Update
Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 2

  • Continuing support for this initiative from snapshot.

[Temp Check] - Ethereum Foundation Attackathon Sponsorship

  • Similar to our vote on Arbitrum, we voted against the attackathon sponsorship. As mentioned in the proposal, the Ethereum Foundation has a permanent bug bounty, and we think it may be worth using funds to promote that program instead of hosting a one-time attackathon. Another thought would be to sponsor the ongoing program with increased rewards for a limited amount of time.

Proposal to active 2, 3, 4 bps fee-tiers on Base

  • Continuing support for this initiative from snapshot.

UAC Renewal S3

  • We support renewal of the UAC for S3. They’ve played an important role in Uniswap Governance by taking on more responsibility and work, so in favor of providing fair compensation as well as continuing the program.

Approved Budgets Rebalancing

  • Support this proposal. Feel that it would be reasonable given the current UNI price and recent token price fluctuation.

Uniswap Delegate Race Tiebreaker

  • We support inclusion of both delegates. If we are to continue expanding this program and encourage delegates to participate in governance in a meaningful way, accepting both is the best option. Shows how the DAO positively responds to active delegates, plus Argonaut made a good case in the forum.

Uniswap Accountability S3 Renewal and Rebalance

  • Continuing support for UAC Renewal, Approved Budget Rebalance, and delegate tie breaker