Announcing Dharma's Intention to Propose the Retroactive UNI Distribution

I will vote yes to Dharma proposal because I’m using its mobile apps since August to swap a lot.


self-inflicted financial flagellation ?
sounds enticing like sleeping in a mattress filled with 1 million dollar notes, and wetting the bed anyway

i’m sorry Chris, i’m not sure if your question is serious or rhetorical - don’t know you that well
of course… the idea that i could get to know you well enough to answer my own question… is … well…

gn gentle folk


Biblical. More decentralization

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I urge all $uni holders, dharma and other app users to VOTE FOR DHARMA.

If you did than Thank You.


I’m a UNI holder, not a Dharma user and why would I vote for Dharma?
You used a proxy, that’s your problem not mine

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I am a Dharma user until September 1st and I am definitely a yes voice!
I am not going to sell the received 400 uni token in case of a successful vote,
but I plan to participate in the management and life of the protocol


I am at awe at how you have managed to use every type of argument to undermine an idea that is clearly supported by some UNI holders. Isn’t this the whole idea of decentralized governance?

I hope UNI holders can see beyond simplistic arguments made to stir up emotions. (Also what the hell with all these ad hominem?)

You are against this proposal because of VC involvement? Vote No.
You are against this proposal because of potential dilution? Vote No.

You are against this proposal because this might increase Dharma retention rate? Isn’t that good for Uniswap? More users == more fees == more potential upside for UNI holders.

I am a UNI holder and I will vote yes to this Phase1 proposal. I believe allocation UNI to those users who have used Uniswap through app integration is good for the future of Uniswap.

Thank you @brendan_dharma and everyone who has worked hard to gather the data and create this proposal.

You disagree with me? Vote No.


Dharma users do not interact with uniswap through aggregators. All of token swaps happening on Dharma use uniswap. If you think that these users do not deserve to receive UNI, you are welcome to vote no.


Swapping tokens through a proxy is functionally the same as the reason you are a holder in the first place bro. Tbh I’d like, this, my 8th-12th drops as compensation/incentivization2vote on the issues I am aware of that, you, probably a single wallet swapper, are not. :slight_smile: … but i half jest in commments.

Lol, go back to 1inch and then… wait. snowswap/sushiswap. go to those.

Could you please write something that is understandable?

Well said my man. Agree wholeheartedly.

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Chris my first thought was to be against, because I am someone who tinkers with tools and scripts and used Dharma myself only minimally mainly because I was curious. However, I will be voting yes when proposed, I just couldn’t ignore the fact that in my personal experience when folks were not invested in uniswap (VC or many users for that matter), when media (most) didn’t care, when crypto twitter Chads and sadly scam swindlers didn’t know it existed, dharma gave people I care about a chance to understand what makes this space special. It did that for folks who were never going to be Web3ing it up on Toshi, or MetaMask.

My world and view in this is small, I know this. I respect your investment in the space across a lot of mediums in fact. Uniswap certainly matters. To you and I both which makes me think UNI governance has a real chance to work.


@brendan_dharma @nadav_dharma plz tell me how to delegate uni for support the proposal. Plz tell all process …

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check over here Delegate your UNI Votes to Dharma


The crypto space primarily evolves through early adopters making decent returns and paying that forward.

Recent entrants into crypto, through the likes of Dharma, Argent, deserve to get their slice of the pie too. This will further decentralisation, and encourage these entrants to further explore & invest in the crypto space. Maybe one day they’ll pay it back, too.

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@nadav_dharma can u plz tell us total numbers of uni transfer for delegate vote before block 11120865 ?

Like I´ve stated many times before, this is utterly morally unacceptable dillution of the current battered tokens the UNI holders have in their hands. You are actively trying to steal money from people and give it to yourself.

My argument against this aridrop is the following: If we allow the leeway for Dharma, why shouldnt we do these airdrops constantly? The line has to be drawn somewhere. I will vote NO to this proposal and I´d like to see Dharma walk out of the Uniswap governance after finally realizing there is no place for hostile takeovers in the UNI governance ONCE AND FOR ALL.

You had the opportunity to discuss matters with the Penguin Party on Discord and you passed on it. Therefore, I will vote NO.


I know that Dharma has established that if this vote passes, they plan to add UNI voting functionality for their users.

Have other projects made any claims in this regard? MEW and Argent actually have more users in this airdrop than Dharma. Will MEW and Argent airdrop recipients be able to vote, if this passes? How about all the others?

Will any of these products be able to co-op voting rights on the UNI that is airdropped into proxy wallets? Would the airdrop unintentionally be creating any new voting whales?


I vote NO to Dharma!
When Dharma was announced, I was hoping able to participate in their ICO, but it never happened.
It’s private owned, untransparent, most importantly whoever bother to use it?