How does one lose faith in a system that is essentially 28 days old?
It is such a shame to see the amount of people who can’t see the forest for the trees. The gift that was bestowed upon us simply by virtue of UNI Gov being created is enormous. A team bootstrapped the largest DeFi project on Earth and then willingly gave up custody of it’s governance to the masses.
There should by no means be any expectation that the system works in a way you deem fair. There’s no way a perfect protocol could have been implemented from the start, it is meant to grow organically. Please check yourself at the door and consider that you’re on the ground floor of a single part of the largest paradigm shift in finance history.
Attitudes like this are entitled, short-sighted, and impatient. We can quite literally evolve this system into anything we want. Any feature that didn’t work as planned, rules that are arbitrary or outdated, even the contracts that run the system; with time we as a group can change things in a way that is more agile and less congested than traditional governance and voting models. But it’s not going to happen overnight, and it’s certainly not going to fix bugs, greed, “fairness”, or the list of other things complaining voices can’t stop going on about.
If you’ve considered all this, and still don’t have faith in the system, do the community a favor while removing a big stressor from your life at the same time and find a good price to sell your UNI at. Because at the end of the day, regardless of how altruistic anyone says they are, the goal here is to make money. Plain and simple.
That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for a more inclusive and frictionless way to make money that can meet the specific demands of the people using/governing Uniswap, but it does mean that the community members doing the work need to be able to put this entire operation into perspective; otherwise we’re going to end up dragging the same problems from the old systems with us and ruin what would have otherwise been a perfect template for how we define and utilize value in this world.
If you decide that you want to make this system which is barely even in it’s infancy better:
- Take one large dose of reality,
- a light brushing of Game Theory,
- a dash of Social Engineering (to taste),
- large helping of Governing Dynamics,
- and one extremely open mind.
Change takes time, effort, and the ability to put your pride and ego to the side. It’s very much worth it.