[Learn] Requirements & How to claim your 400 UNI

Manually Claiming UNI Merkle Distribution

If, for whatever reason, you are unable to claim UNI tokens distributed as part of the Merkle distribution through an interface such as app.uniswap.org, the following steps may be taken to manually claim tokens for an address:

  1. Install jq
  2. Search the public Merkle tree blob for your address with the following command:

curl https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmegj6pV3qvGE8XWfMPdzXCu2sUoNMGtpbL5vYuAkhnJja | jq '.claims."YOUR_ADDRESS_HERE"'

Note that your address must be properly checksummed. The Merkle tree blob is also available at https://mrkl.uniswap.org.

If you’ve already downloaded the Merkle tree separately, you may search it via:

cat FILENAME.json | jq '.claims."YOUR_ADDRESS_HERE"'

  1. Navigate to the MerkleDistributor contract on Etherscan and input the data from above into the relevant fields. The page should look something like:

Note that the merkleProof arguments must be wrapped in brackets, comma-separated, and not contain any spaces.