Scale Uniswap Liquidity on Celo
We vote ‘For’ to scale Uniswap liquidity on Celo, in line with our Temp Check rationale. Despite the lack of clear answers to remaining questions, such as the project timeline, we believe funding Celo offers more potential benefits.
I am voting For this on-chain proposal, in alignment with my earlier stance. By ratifying a clear ethical framework, it strengthens trust, and consistency in governance. Looking ahead, future exploration of enforcement mechanisms can further enhance its impact, ensuring Uniswap remains resilient and guided by shared values. This proposal thus marks a critical step toward a more structured, transparent, and principled approach to decision-making within the DAO.
Governance Proposal - Adopt The SEAL Safe Harbor Agreement
I am voting For this adopting the SEAL Safe Harbor Agreement. As noted before, its 72-hour return window and a 10% bounty (capped at $2.25M), matching Uniswap Labs’ V3 bug bounty, ensure fair incentives and avoid conflict of priorities with standard vulnerability disclosures. Its legal protections and on-chain transparency boost accountability, and align with industry best practices—safeguarding Uniswap’s treasury and building user confidence in the protocol.