Add $UNI/$ETH pool to list of pools eligible for rewards

It should add ETH/UNI by default!

I think this a great Idea, I have lots of liquidity Id love to put work and look foward to a deployment of this nature.

I saw the Pair and put a bunch of eth and UNI to facilitate people trading and getting a price discovery and don’t be misled my the DEX…

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@iwearahoodie :white_check_mark:
Totally agree with your statements on the power of incentivized pools and Single-Asset LP input options. Perhaps, the weight of a Single-Asset addition of $UNI outweighs the binary additions to pools.

In response to @ETHisFunny:

Token buy-back would be profound by batching automated liquidity sweeps via a $UNI wallet designed to HODL/capture % of circulating supply from (x) amount of transactions at (x) rate of time intervals.

These liquidity sweeps can also delegate a % of the sweep to supply payouts to $UNI holders as an incentive; therefore pulling supply off the market as transactions take place and redistributing to HODLing patrons; thus increasing incentive. Perhaps, xDai or 1inch CHI can help with gas fees; in terms of frequent transactions.


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Thanks, for elaborating on it but yeah that’s pretty much what I was thinking. This is probably something that was already planned in V3, but yeah part of every transaction fee say 1% could be swept into a wallet or maybe instead a wallet could be created in tandem with a pool that owns a flat proportion of the total pool. When the fees collected reach a threshold any user could “harvest” it. It would then be banked in a fund which could be used to buy UNI from the UNI-ETH Pool. Users who then staked UNI could claim their portion of the buyback, proportional to the amount they staked. I’ve done some coding over the years but I’m not very good, so don’t expect a written up contract out of me. Just an idea that could help the tokenomics and incentivize protocol use.


We shouldn’t add UNI/ETH pair as part of liquidity mining pool. Before explaining my position, I would like to disclose that I do in fact own a significant amount of UNI tokens.

TL;DR: UNI/ETH pool is a short term increase in UNI demand to pump the price and has little long term benefit for Uniswap and UNI holders. Instead, we should use the Liquidity Mining rewards to steal markets from competitors like Curve and centralized exchanges.

Full reply:
First of all, it is clear that the main rational behind adding UNI/ETH as a reward pool is to increase the demand for UNI and hence increase its price. This is defi farming 101 and the reason why the Pool 2 is usually given a 5-10x reward boost. However, the goal of UNI distribution program should be two folds:

  1. Distribute governance tokens to participants that care about Uniswap and will ensure its success
  2. Incentivize liquidity where it’s most needed

1 was fairly well achieved by the ad-hoc distribution and by the fact that liquidity mining will only be small % of UNI distributed. To achieve 1, it’s important that liquidity mining is only a small portion of how UNI tokens are distributed. Lets not lie to ourselves; liquidity miners, myself included, just want to farm for the sake of being able to buy our favorite assets. We are liquidity locusts swarming from one farm to the other until nothing remains. That being said, liquidity mining is a powerful tool and we can wield it for the long term good of Uniswap. If we are to use financial incentives for the good of Uniswap, then lets not use it to create a demand pressure that will quickly dissipate once the rewards halt, achieving nothing but only short term price jubilation.

In my opinion, a better use of liquidity mining could be use to steal markets from competitors. For instance, we could pick currencies that are most traded on Binance or Coinbase to try to bring back these tokens trader back to Uniswap. Alternatively, we could encourage stablecoin/stablecoin pairs to make Uniswap competitive with Curve and Swerve.

Lets think long term.


I agree! Long term is the only way to go.
Bring on UNI-ETH!

+1 to @PhABC’s comments above.

imo using the UNI rewards to bring more outside liquidity to Uniswap makes more sense then using these rewards for ETH/UNI liquidity. Realistically UNI currently has a $500m+ market cap with ~$50m in uniswap liquidity, as well as centralised exchanges, etc - Don’t see the reason to distribute more UNI tokens to ETH:UNI LP’s.

I wouldn’t want to deposit my LP tokens into the pool anyway - holding, participating in governance & eventually collecting protocol fees with my UNI tokens is significantly more interesting than getting IL rekt from being an LP.


+1 too, must add these UNI/ETH to lock and stabilize market.

Bạn cho tôi hỏi, hôm qua tôi làm BOT và kiếm được 290 UNI, nhưng vì sao tôi rút về ví trust không được? Bạn có thế giúp tôi rút UNI ko?

Liquidity providers of UNI/ETH are essential and should be rewarded.

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Uniswap team could add vesting for ETH-UNI pool rewards or even make rewards 10 times less than ETH-Stablecoins pools. I’m going to provide liq to eth-uni pool either way. But some rewards won’t hurt, even some minimal amount.

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100% in favor of it.

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Sure, should have been from the start imo

A consideration here is that by incentivising liquidity, we would be creating greater price stability around the price of $UNI relative to ETH and less volatility. This would potentially means soften crashes against ETH as well as blunted upwards price movements (to a certain degree depending on liquidity provided). Sometimes for fairly more illiquid pairs, this is desired but there is a level of diminishing returns as a token project (less moon potential too essentially).

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I think UNI/Dai pool would also be great to incentivize


Probably would happen when Uniswap V3 launces.

Disagree. They’re only essential if you want to dump your tokens. If you want to participate in governance and hold for the long term, UNI/ETH liquidity doesn’t provide any value.


How do we get swaps to/from $UNI with low slippage if there is no deep liquidity in the UNI/ETH pool ?

Arguably, people could use CEXs instead. Although the value proposition of Uniswap is to not encourage that.

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