Starting earning UNI on an UNI-ETH Pool ASAP!

I’m sure others will pitch holding meetings or their experience - I will just get proposals written and executed.

The first is to get a UNI-ETH pool ASAP.


  • There is only $15M in Liquidity for UNI vs. $1B across the current pools
  • UNI holders will be less likely to provide liquidity to the UNI-ETH pool without UNI rewards
  • UNI holders who stake in the UNI-ETH pool aren’t able to vote while they are staked in the pool
  • This is common in defi and expected by LPs



I’m new to this community, albeit excited… As much as I’m excited for an UNI-ETH pool (it was mentioned in another thread)…

Why should I delegate 1%+ (of what exactly) to you (& how would I do so?)? How would you hold more power to submit the proposal that is already strongly in demand in our community?

Dont mean to be rude, just learning


This is a continuous election. Delegate tokens to me if you like the ideas and want me to submit them. The decision is reversible … you can remove your delegation at any time.

However, someone is going to need to get to 1% of coins for good ideas to be proposed. You can delegate by going to and clicking on ‘Unlock Voting’. Then enter my address if you want me to submit this idea. 0xCAF6acB7B4825aDBF1F0CA20095D451eC65a7c51


Yes uni eth pool is must with higher APY to incentivise farmers to hold the uni tokens long term.


Somebody make this proposal , and let it pass , I think 50% token should go to uni pools and rest 50 to other pools.


This please! This was the first thing I tried to do, give liquidity to new and upcoming pairs.


Totally agree! I have the same idea!

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You can’t allocate UNI to a new liquidity pool for another ~30 days. I would be wary of delegating my votes to someone right now. I have the next 30 days to forget about giving someone else my voting power, and they can use it for something other than what I intended.


Letsearn more uni from that pool

I am all for being cautious but I don’t understand the problem here. 1% is just to reach the threshold to put a proposal out there. It isn’t nearly enough to actually win the vote. And you can see who has your delegation at any time using the app. No need to rely on memory. How will we (as the community) have any say in things if we don’t start delegated votes? And how could this proposal get launched ASAP if we don’t put it forward and vote on it?


Hi Bryan! Maybe you can share more details about the proposal you’re planning to submit. Have you written the code yet? Maybe you could share that with users here so they can see it.


I agree there should be an incentive to earn more uni in order for uni to preserve its value


The proposal would create a vote on the best way to handle the situation. Options could include 1) do nothing, 2) allocate an equal weight of current distribution to the new pool, 3) allocate a portion of next distribution to new pool. A vote on options would inform how to write the code.

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Don’t take this the wrong way but giving an arbitrary person 1% of the voting power for a governance that has a 4% quorum is a decidedly stupid idea. Not only could you submit whatever proposals you want, but also would you be responsible for 25% of passing any other proposals. One person should not have a quarter of the power of a multi-billion dollar defi project, especially in its early stages as the community lays the foundation for future success.

I am offering my opinion, because I think the community is drastically uninformed, possibly even among seasoned crypto enthusiasts. I also think that if you want to be involved directly with submitting proposals, then you could benefit from spending some time reading the Uniswap GovernorAlpha contract, so that you can grasp how the proposal submission process works. You can read the verified contract on etherscan:

I’m not trying to tear you down, but you won’t get my vote just yet. I’m sure the community would be more than happy to code up the proposals you suggest, if they have merit. Hopefully this is helpful to you in deciding what to do next.

I’m really looking forward to seeing how this community evolves.


@420 You could be right but I hope you are wrong. 1% is a threshold the reduces the population who can submit a proposal to only the largest whales unless there is delegation. Basically, the community will not have influence if they don’t delegate votes. And the community needs influence because there are serious problems here that need to proposed soon. This is top priority but this is next: Stop Shifting Liquidity to Where it isn't Needed

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@ [Demiserv] Can you explain to me how much we can earn from giving liquidity to UNI pairs and whether doing so with small amounts of UNI will make any significant returns. Sory for posting if this information can be found easily, please share a link if that’s the case. I’m asking this for people with a stash less then 100 UNI.

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The rate depends on a few variables…how much liquidity you provide, the time you leave it in and how much of the pools share you get from adding your Liquidity, and how many ppl are swapping against those pairs. You can go on and check against your address to see what you’re getting.

Is it worth putting in small amounts? My opinion is yes as I’ve been putting into uniswap for a little bit. It builds up, just don’t put any money you need for bills and the like in it.


I really appreciate the OP for starting a discussion, and, bringing up various topics that arise. Right now, it may just be too soon, for me at least, to take any actions until I can see how things play out over the next week. Everything is still changing hour by hour it seems.

The reason I didn’t put any liquidity into the UNI-ETH pool is because I don’t want to lose any of my UNI to impermanent loss, which is already happening as the price of UNI rises much faster in relation to ETH. UNI is such a special case being the native token of the platform. While it might help to offset some of the impermanent loss by earning UNI in such a pool, personally, I’d rather just keep my (tiny bit of!) UNI out of any pool for now, and hold on to it, and use it to vote or delegate down the road.

Does UNI in a LP still allow the wallet voting rights, with the current set up? Should it?

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You’re right about one thing: the community has to delegate votes to submit proposals. I’m right about you being a very poor candidate for a delegate. You have ~29 days before any proposals can be submitted, so your naive urgency is really inappropriate at this point.

You have a really good point: UNI-ETH LP holders have more at stake than anyone else. That is why they should receive some of the UNI rewards. Sushiswap gives 5X rewards and all of the voting rights to Sushi-ETH LP holders. That aligns incentives. Here at uniswap, all the UNI in the UNI-ETH pool isn’t even enough to make a proposal! The people with the most on the line do not get a vote or a share of the UNI rewards right now!