[TEMP CHECK] Uniswap DAO Principles (Snapshot)
Summary: The proposal introduces a set of guiding principles for Uniswap DAO delegates to formalize shared guidelines and enhance governance. These principles cover processual aspects (scope, adherence to governance processes, on-chain focus), conduct-related guidelines (disclosure of conflicts, security considerations, clarity, good faith actions, due diligence, and public feedback), and structural principles (maintaining decentralization, representing UNI token holders while considering all stakeholders, and accountability). The aim is to promote transparency, trust, and effective decision-making within the Uniswap DAO.
Vote: FOR
Rationale: We believe that rules enhancing the transparency and public nature of the Uniswap DAO, and making DAO governance by delegates fairer, are important for the DAO. We agree with these principles, which can improve the health of the Uniswap DAO by garnering support from more delegates.