StableLab Delegate Platform

Voting Updates
[Temp Check] - Ethereum Foundation Attackathon Sponsorship
Voted don’t sponsor
-Considering Uniswap Foundation themselves sponsor or host many of the Hackathons and already contributing to several public goods, we are concerned that this effort is a duplicate effort.
Also, considering Ethereum Foundation has been accused of not allocating enough funding for DeFi objective, we believe ironically that EF requesting funding rather than paying from their own budget seem to make the case even more clear.

We are voting strongly in against.

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Voting Updates
Proposal to active 2, 3, 4 bps fee-tiers on Base
Voted No
-We have voted against for now as we aren’t sure about full implications of such changes

Voting Updates
Uniswap Delegate Race Tiebreaker
Voted 1st Tane 2nd Agronaut 3rd Both
-Believe it’s better to choose one than expanding the budget scope

Approved Budgets Rebalancing
Voted Approved Rebalance
-In the long term, the budgets might be able to provide in stablecoin to counter the volatile nature of Uni token but for now, this is the best way to proceed

UAC Renewal S3
Voted Renew UAC
-Considering UAC has done a lot to support the Uniswap ecosystem, we support the renewal