SEEDGov Delegate Platform

Proposal: [Temp Check] - Ethereum Foundation Attackathon Sponsorship (Snapshot)

Vote: Abstain

Rationale: While we generally support initiatives of this nature in all delegations where we have a presence, as they contribute positively to the ecosystem, our experience reviewing multiple sponsorship requests leads us to seek additional budgetary details and further clarification.

Additionally, despite mentioning marketing and branding integrations for Uniswap, we observed no dedicated workshop or side event for the sponsor.

In summary, and beyond that it is a program that, by reinforcing the security of Ethereum, will indirectly reinforce the security of Uniswap, but from the commercial point of view of the exposure that Uniswap could achieve, and considering that it is a program aimed at advanced developers who presumably, given their specialization, already know Uniswap, we understand that it is very low the impact of the program and the positioning that Uniswap could achieve, not justifying making the budgetary effort of allocating 75 or 30 ETH.

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