[RFC] Ecosystem summaries to help the community stay up to date

GM! I created a tool to help keep users up to date in web3. For example, this is the newsfeed for Uniswap: https://app.x23.ai/uniswap. It covers governance discussions, snapshot votes, github PRs, and github code repositories.

We use AI to summarise and give context to the information, among other things.

I’d love to hear any feedback and how I can make this more useful and specific for Uniswap. For example, the Senate proposal notifications are currently broken, and notifications is something we already have implemented that could be re-tooled for this forum.


GM! Just a quick update that we’re now covering onchain proposals. This means that you can quickly get an overview of all current and historic Uniswap proposals, both offchain and onchain, here: https://app.x23.ai/uniswap/voting

If you are promoting yourself as a service provider, there’s a special category.

RFCs are used for DAOwide proposals.

PS … not in this thread but perhaps elsewhere/when you can compare what makes you different from the governance proposal that was funded by Uniswap Foundation.