[Temp Check]: Complete initial funding of the UF
Reason: We support the completion of funding UF.
Voted Yes
Reason: Abdullah Umar has been a great contributor to the Uniswap DAO and we feel that he will represent Uniswap accordingly within the Arbitrum DAO.
Voted Abdullah Umar - @Michigan Blockchain
Reason: For the UAGP, we believe that Nneoma from Stablelab has the experience through multiple incubator participations and Ignacio has been actively reviewing grants for a long time on Enzyme.
Voted Nneoma_Stablelab , Ignacio Rodriguez
Temperature Check - [Issue a Visa Card with Uniswap Logo ]
Reason: This proposal is not something the DAO should be reviewing as we don’t think the trademarks and logo IPs are owned by the DAO.
Voted Against
[Temperature Check]: Invest in Ekubo Protocol
Reason: We are against investing in Ekubo at the current format of the proposal. First of all, the DAO is not a VC. There could be a committee reviewing those type of proposals in the future but it’s not our place now.
Second, the valuation is unreasonable to say the least in a relatively speaking small ecosystem. As far as we know, Ekubo is not even audited yet at all.
Lastly, Ekubo is asking on top of the investment - 2.5M UNI to be delegated to them.
Voted No Change
Create a UNI-ARB Grant Program (UAGP) and Protocol Delegate Program
Reason: We’re supportive of the UAGP and the Protocol delegate program as they can establish long-term benefits within the Arbritrum ecosystem for Uniswap.
Voted FOR
Deploy Friendly Fork of Uniswap V3; ZERO Protocol on Polygon zkEVM
Reason: We support this friendly fork and are curious to see the effects it will have on Polygon zkEVM
Voted FOR
Deploy Uniswap V3 on Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)
Reason: We support the deployment of Uni V3 on FVM.
Voted FOR
Complete initial funding of the Uniswap Foundation
Reason: We support the funding of UF.
Voted FOR