This thread is helping me appreciate why the Roman Republic capitulated to an Empire, forcefully ending 500 years of a representative democracy. I feel the same urge as Caesar right now. How awfully centralist of me.
The protracted debate is hurting all sides at this point. Once dug in, humans are unlikely to change their mind. We are predisposed and wired for confirmation bias. As much as i enjoy hearing the @reluctantdelagate reluctantly campaigning that VC-backed bad guys don’t deserve to support their users, the circular argument has run its course. The bottom-line is that if you have heavily invested in crypto-anarchist ideologies like decentralized governance, anything that smacks of money or power will be mercilessly suppressed. The alternative is to participate in a rational debate, and to walk away feeling like both parties gained through compromise. So, if it must be rhetoric, then i would recommend we lock the debate and go to a vote, and put this to bed. There is enough material here to make an informed decision, and to write a plethora of articles entitled “Uniswap drama…”. They have already begun.
And please stop claiming this is about protecting the interests of the ‘little guy’ and ensuring the integrity of the decentralized governance process. The little guys who want to participate in governance with their own UNI, or the little guys that are having a tough time makings ends meet, are not getting well served here. In fact, the few that make it to these forums get overrun with disservice from our members who claim they are being ‘greedy’ and ‘dishonest’. It’s no wonder we never hear from them again. Are we ambassadors of a powerful DeFi brand called Uniswap or are we the governance mob?
Our job here is NOT to put Dharma on trial for crimes we INSIST they committed.
Our job here is to decide if we want to retroactively ASSIST uniswappers who happened to get caught out because they used a proxy client. Uniswappers or LPs that CONTRIBUTED their hard earned capital to our ecosystem and collective wealth.
Everything else is theatre and virtue-signaling. I get it. For some here it’s ‘fun’ (direct quote). Let’s just go to a vote. Stick to the facts presented in the proposal. We can argue who’s dogma is better in the ‘meta-governance’ section.