Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 3 Application

Cycle 3 Application Details

Application Eligibility

  • There will be about a week-long period for candidates to submit their applications from the time this application is posted on the forum. The application window will end Tuesday March 4 at 0:00 AM UTC (7:00 PM ET Monday March 3). The top 15 delegates will be determined based on a point system outlined below.

  • Delegates from Cycle 2 must apply again for Cycle 3–they will not be automatically included.

  • Only delegates who have participated in onchain voting for at least three months prior to the application post are eligible for Cycle 3.

Uniswap Delegate Reward Cycle 3 Metrics

In case there are more than 15 eligible applicants, the top 15 will be chosen by the following objective metrics. The highest number of available points will be 11.

1. Voting Participation

Since a delegate’s primary role is to utilize voting power from delegators and vote in Uniswap’s best interest, active participation is essential to ensuring quorums are met and malicious proposals are thwarted. This category carries a total of 7 points, with onchain voting weighted more heavily due to its ability to directly impact governance contracts and direct treasury funds. The voting rate is evaluated based on the past six months.

Offchain Voting (Snapshot)

90% and above: 3

80% to 90% : 2

70% till 80% : 1.5

60% till 70%: 1

50% till 60%: 0.5

50% or below: 0

Onchain Voting

90% and above : 4

80% till 90% : 2.5

70% till 80%: 1.5

60% till 70%: 1

50% till 60%: 0.5

Below 50%: 0

2. Proposal Authorship

Contributing to proposal drafting for Uniswap DAO is valuable, but maintaining quality and preventing malicious proposals is equally important. As a result, only successfully passed votes are counted. This category is worth a total of 3 points, with onchain proposals receiving greater weight once again.

For non-binary proposals, if a “No” equivalent option was available and the final voting outcome was a choice other than “No,” the proposal qualifies for points in this category. For example, the Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) Election would not be eligible, as there was no “No” vote option. However, the [Temp] Uni Onboarding Package - BSC would qualify, since an “Against” option was present, and the final outcome was “$1M.”

Authored or Co-authored a proposal that passed offchain (Snapshot) vote before.

Yes, 2 or more: 1

Yes, 1: 0.5

No: 0

Authored or Co authored a proposal that passed onchain vote before

Yes, 2 or more: 2

Yes, 1: 1

No: 0

3. Community Participation

The full point for this category is 1.

Community Calls (attendance for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025)

Attended at least 80% of calls: 1

Attended at least 50% of calls: 0.5

Tie Breaker

  1. Ties will be decided by the date of the first onchain vote that these applicants cast in order to reward delegates who have been contributing to Uniswap governance for an extended period. The tie-breaking value will be determined based on the end date of the vote in which the delegates participated, not the onchain date when the vote was cast.

  2. In the event of a tie with the first tie-breaker criterion, priority will be given to the delegate who has cast the most votes in the last 6 months.

  3. In the event that the tie persists further, the final decision will favor the delegate who was first to present their delegation platform—hence, priority will be given to the individual/entity who first publicly declared their intention to become a delegate.


Application Template

Applicant name:

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization:

Link to Tally onchain voting profile:

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:



Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.


Applicant name: Blockchain Education Network

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/blockchainedu.eth

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:
Since 2021, BEN has been a champion for onboarding diverse voices onto Uniswap governance through running our own delegate, hosting various governance calls and voting on several proposals with 70+ students participating from over 13 universities around the world. We also assisted several blockchain clubs, including Rutgers, Blockchain at Michigan, and Penn Blockchain, in setting up their own Aave, Uniswap, and Compound delegates through educational workshops with Harvard Law and Berkeley and direct connections to interested parties like a16z who wanted to delegate their voting power to more student groups.

We have had a considerable impact in Uniswap governance over the years. Through this program we hope to have a continued sustained model to grow our impact, educate the community, drive more participation, and create more tangible results for the Uniswap ecosystem.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Offchain: May 26, 2021 https://snapshot.org/#/uniswapgovernance.eth/proposal/Qmehop1NNWP9VEf7tGLEAYRphVsXtdxkL7oKEhaXL2Xao6

Onchain: Jan 25th, 2023 https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/proposal/30

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): N/a

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): N/a

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well. Yes, Erick Pinos

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Applicant name: L2BEAT

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/l2beatcom.eth

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:
L2BEAT is a public goods company that acts as an impartial watchdog for the Ethereum ecosystem with a specific focus on Layer 2s. In our attempt to help steer the broader Ethereum ecosystem, including Uniswap, towards a robust decentralized future, we also participate in several DAOs as active delegates. Participating in the program will help us continue our active involvement in a sustainable way and without having to compromise on the level of our engagement.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Offchain: August 12, 2023 - Migrate the Celo Uniswap V3 Factory Contract owner from Optims to Wormhole

Onchain: December 6, 2023 - Delegation of UNI to Active but Underrepresented Delegates

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): N/A

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): N/A

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well. Yes, we’ve attended all calls. Mostly joined as Anastassis Oikonomopoulos (Google Meets name), or Sinkas/L2BEAT (name I used on the Google Form to verify attendance). Not sure if my colleague had joined one of the calls in my stead, but if he had, it’d be under the name Krzysztof Urbanski.

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Applicant name: Ignas

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Individual

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/0x3ddc7d25c7a1dc381443e491bbf1caa8928a05b0

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:
Currently, DeFi DAOs face several internal issues, such as voter apathy leading to governance attacks, insider voting, and voting concentration among a few active voting addresses.

Additionally, they face external challenges like regulatory uncertainty.

I believe in a decentralized future, even if it seems naive.

However, the current state of crypto is plagued by misaligned incentives that prioritize short-term speculative gains over the core DeFi values of self-sovereignty and custody.

Equally concerning is the trend of McKinsification in DAOs, where decisions are increasingly made by one or two professional consultant delegates. This discourages individual participation, as their opinions and votes have less impact.

To make DeFi DAOs viable, we must align incentives to encourage active participation in governance from the broader crypto community.

I believe that community must be at the core of every DAO.

Without giving the community a say in protocol governance, we’re no better than the Web2 companies we aim to replace—companies that view their “community” merely as users to extract value from.

I will support initiatives that align token holders with the protocol, such as revenue sharing or other methods to bring value to the token.

Token holders are frustrated with exploitative tokenomics that only benefit early insiders who acquired tokens at much lower prices, leaving no upside for new investors. Without incentives to buy and hold tokens, the attractiveness and health of DAOs decline.

Finally, I will highlight key votes and decisions of the DAO on X and my blog, as I believe the general public is often unaware of important actions being taken.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:
Onchain: August, 15 2024: Tally - Deploy Uniswap v3 on X Layer
Offchain: August 15, 2024: Snapshot - [Temp Check] Activate 2, 3, 4 bps fee tiers on Uniswap v3 on Base

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.
Yes - I joined in Nov and Dec 2024, Jan and Feb 2025 (Name: Ignas)

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Applicant name: atiselsts.eth

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Individual

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: here

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

I’m a senior researcher at Chaos Labs, fascinated with the Uniswap protocol, professionally and academically involved with it since 2021. I have participated in Uniswap governance since July 2023, with near 100% voting rate, and have maintained active presence in the forum. My conflicts of interest are minimized, since neither I’m nor my employer is a service provider for the DAO, nor I am professionally affiliated with DeFi protocols unrelated to Uniswap, which makes it fair to be compensated for my time spent on its governance activities here.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Offchain: Snapshot - 29/06/2023

Onchain: Tally - 21/07/2023

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before?: Yes, one: [TEMP CHECK ]Uniswap DAO Principles

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before?: Yes, one: Uniswap DAO Principles

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.

Yes, as Atis

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Applicant name: Keyrock

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: Uniswap Tally profile

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

Keyrock is active across a variety of on-chain ecosystems and DAOs, providing expertise to scale and grow the next generation of finance. Governance is a crucial yet overlooked process, and delegates play a vital role in shaping the trajectory of Uniswap. We believe the first phase and second of the delegate incentives were successful, resulting in higher forum participation, increased vote turnout, and attracted more delegates interested in contributing to the Uniswap DAO. We have been very impressed with the recent depth of discussion and passion coming from various delegates and are excited to continue contributing to the DAO.

Offchain: Snapshot - 26/05/2023

Onchain: Tally - 21/07/2023
Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well. Yes - Jakob and Athanasios

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Applicant Name: @PGov

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Voting Profile: Tally, Snapshot

Applicant summary:

Thank you everyone for your consideration. Our team has been an active Uniswap community member for four years now and has helped draft and submit various proposals to governance. We have maintained a 100% voting and participation rate since inception and have attended as many Uniswap events and calls as we can. We currently help on the Accountability Committee, Metagov, and UEII initiatives and will continue to help in any other areas where we can provide support. Thanks again!

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stages before? If so, please provide links here:

Off Chain Proposals

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stages before? If so, please provide links here:

On Chain Proposals

Many of the aforementioned offchain votes we authored we subsequently proposed on chain.

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025?

Yes, we have joined/helped host all of them

Applicant name: @karpatkey

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organisation

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: Tally profile

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:
karpatkey is a DeFi-native organisation specialising in professional treasury development since 2020. We work with leading DAOs to diversify their treasuries into sustainable portfolios and serve as delegates across leading DAOs. In Uniswap, we serve as delegates and are elected members of the Uniswap Treasury WG.
As written in our delegate statement, we aim to actively contribute to the long-term sustainability of the Uniswap ecosystem and improve its governance process. We believe this program fits into that as a way to increase active participation, high-value discussions and valuable DAO-driven initiatives.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Offchain: ARB distribution proposal poll

Onchain: proposal 40

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): proposal 66

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): proposal 66

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well: Yes, @alicecorsini joined on behalf of karpatkey.

Applicant name: Areta

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: Areta Tally Profile

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

As strategic partners and long-term contributors to Uniswap DAO, we are dedicated to fostering the growth of the Uniswap ecosystem through institutional-grade decision making and professional delegation. Our aim to is continue supporting and leading key growth initiatives such as UAGP and UFSF, while maintaining excellent DAO participation through robust, defensible analysis of proposals that improve the state of Uniswap governance.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Have you posted an RFC that passed the off-chain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

Note: We were credited as co-authors in the name “Web3 Studios” (this was our former name before we rebranded to Areta).

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

Note: We were credited as co-authors in the name “Web3 Studios” (this was our former name before we rebranded to Areta).

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.

  • Yes (Dennis Rasch).

Applicant name: Avantgarde Finance

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/profile/0xb49f8b8613be240213c1827e2e576044ffec7948

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:
Avantgarde is a DeFi-native asset management, advisory and research firm catering to DAOs, Foundations, Institutional and Sophisticated Investors. We’ve been active in DeFi since 2016, notably as founders of the on-chain asset management protocol Enzyme, and help DAOs to optimise treasury management strategies, improve financial sustainability, and support long-term growth.

Avantgarde has been an active delegate in Uniswap for soon-to-be 3 years. Notably, we participated in the Uniswap Bridge Assessment Committee and have also contributed with R&D towards proposals, including the fee switch discussion. Drawing on our extensive experience and track record in both TradFi and DeFi, we will continue to contribute in a meaningful way to the Uniswap DAO and drive Uniswap’s success.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

  1. [TEMP CHECK] Uniswap DAO Principles (Please note that we did not vote for our own proposal, so we’d kindly ask for this to be excluded when calculating our participation rate, as was done for Gauntlet in the case of Uniswap Arbitrum LTIPP Matching)

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

  1. Uniswap DAO Principles

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.

Yes. Participants include Erik (Brinde), but also on occasion Conor (Gilmore).

Applicant name: StableLab

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/0xecc2a9240268bc7a26386ecb49e1befca2706ac9

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

StableLab is the leading provider of governance solutions for decentralized protocols. We contribute to over 25 protocols and ecosystems with exceptional participation metrics. We have been contributing extensively to Uniswap.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Note that we changed the voting wallet starting late 2023


May 26, 2023

Making Protocol Fees Operational: Fee options for V3



May 10th, 2023

Deploy Uniswap V3 on Moonbeam (2023)


Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

There are several but here are 5 examples:

[Temp Check] Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury


[Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward -3 Months-Cycle 1


[Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 2


[Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 3


[Temp Check] Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program


Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

There are several but here are 5 examples:

Delegation of UNI to Active but Underrepresented Delegates


Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury


Uniswap Delegate Reward- 3 Months Cycle 1


Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 2


[Updated] Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program


Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.

Doo , Doo_StableLab

1. Applicant name: DAOplomats

2. Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

3. Link to Tally onchain voting profile:


4. Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

DAOplomats is a governance-as-a-service organisation that empowers DAOs through effective governance, treasury management, grants programs, and community-building initiatives. We believe in a decentralized future where diverse perspectives and insights from delegates around crypto can shape the collective future we envision as a community and with our participation in this initative we wish to accelerate this trend. By being eligible for compensation we can install dedicated resource in our team towards uniswap governance and assist the DAO with our expertise and experiences gained from participating in DAO governance across crypto.

5. Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made

Offchain: May 8th, 2024


Onchain: April 21 , 2024


6.Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit:


7.Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit:


Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.


  • Eren
  • Jengajojo

Applicant name: PEPO

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Individual

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/0x786a4eb282a6332871e4bad890ce5960f1d12813

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:
I am deeply engaged with Uniswap’s ecosystem, with a track record of dissecting its governance, market dynamics, and operational challenges. My critical thinking skills shine through in my ability to identify flaws in vague initiatives, trace financial implications, and propose reasoned alternatives. I understand DeFi’s technical and economic underpinnings, enabling me to evaluate proposals with precision and skepticism where warranted.

What do I bring to the table?

  • Rigorous Proposal Analysis: I question assumptions, demand specificity, and expose gaps, ensuring only well-defined, high-impact ideas move forward.
  • Focus on Evidence and ROI: My decisions are grounded in data and outcomes, not sentiment. I assess whether initiatives offer measurable returns for stakeholders.
  • Challenging the Status Quo: I’m not afraid to push back on flawed logic or entrenched interests.
  • Clarity Amid Complexity: I dig into complicated proposals—like funding plans or protocol changes—and pull out the key points so everyone can see what’s really going on.
  • Strategic Risk Assessment: I weigh risks against rewards meticulously.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:
Onchain: Nov 20th, 2024 - Supporting Tally’s Development and Enhancements for Uniswap DAO Governance
Offchain: Dec 16th, 2024 - [Temp Check] - Adopt The SEAL Safe Harbor Agreement

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.
I joined as a delegate in November, I don’t actually recall my activity previous to that, but I believe to have joined every single one of those community calls as PEPO.

  • Applicant name: Curia

  • Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

  • Link to Tally onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/curia-delegates.eth

  • Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:
    Curia Lab is dedicated to enhancing DAO ecosystems through data-driven insights, tools, and services. Having worked with various DAOs, we’ve seen firsthand how decentralization, resiliency, and transparency can transform decision-making. We’re excited about the Delegate Reward Initiative because it offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the Uniswap DAO—supporting its vision and further strengthening governance in the DEX space.

  • Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

  • Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): N/A

  • Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): N/A

  • Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well:
    Yes, we primarily joined under the name “Curia Lab”, and we also had a colleague participate under the name “Varit Ruangsiri” or “Nichapat D.”

Applicant name: Michigan Blockchain

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/michiganblockchain.eth

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

Michigan Blockchain is an organization run by students at the University of Michigan. Our main goal is to educate students about blockchain and prepare them for roles within and outside our organization including governance, consulting, and investment. We have been involved and active in the Uniswap governance ecosystem for around three years now, and are also involved in governance across other DAOs. We think this program does a great job in incentivizing governance participants to first, consistently vote, and more importantly, make more informed voting decisions. We also appreciate that this program incentivizes engaging in discussion with community members, and is crucial in involving a wider pool of delegates to suggest improvements and share ideas about the protocol.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:


July 20, 2021 https://snapshot.org/#/uniswapgovernance.eth/proposal/Qmeza7LnzTLAGhHeA2psNtf1ua4kgm2Q1NHAMPeVzs5C2i


Nov 7, 2022


Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

[Temperature Check] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Rootstock (Bitcoin Sidechain)

[Temperature Check] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)

[Temperature Check] Deploy Uniswap v3 on Moonbeam (2023)

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

Deploy Uniswap V3 on Rootstock

Deploy Uniswap V3 on Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)

Deploy Uniswap V3 on Moonbeam (2023)

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.

  • We have joined UF community calls representing our organization either under Mateo Membreno, Kerem Dillice, or Sam Lukashok

Applicant name: 404 DAO

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: Tally

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

We are applying for this cycle of the Delegate Reward Initiative to deepen our engagement in Uniswap DAO’s governance. Our consistent participation—through proposal discussions, governance calls, and voting—reflects our commitment to the DAO’s long-term success. As Uniswap governance enters a critical phase, with key discussions on fee mechanisms, v4/Unichain adoption, and the evolution of DAO operations, strategic decision-making is more important than ever. The Delegate Incentive Program enables us to scale our contributions, ensuring we continue delivering in-depth analysis, advocating for sustainable policies, and driving initiatives that strengthen Uniswap DAO’s strategic positioning.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Offchain: Snapshot (Aug 7, 2023)

Onchain: Vote 40 (July 27, 2023)

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.
Yes, believe we attended all calls either as Cole Schendl or Rika Goldberg

Applicant name: Tané

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/delegate/0xb79294d00848a3a4c00c22d9367f19b4280689d7

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

Tané is formed with a group of crypto-native product builders, based in Tokyo, Dubai and New York. We are backed by SoftBank, and Japanese tech giants like DeNA, GREE, MIXI, and have great relationship with Japanese crypto communities.

We are applying for this initiative because we acknowledge the significance of in the DeFi ecosystem, and we want to contribute to its growth and sustainability, particularly from a DAO governance perspective. Having already served as a delegate in Uniswap DAO, we aim to broaden our contributions within the community. Especially, we believe we can play an important role in the relationship between Uniswap DAO and Unichain. This is after the fact that we have been actively involved in governance of Optimism Collective, including participation in the grants-related councils.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:

Offchain: July 28th, 2024 [Temp Check] Uniswap Onboarding Package - Gnosis Chain

Onchain: June 30th, 2024 Uniswap Arbitrum LTIPP Matching

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No.

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): No.

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well. : Yes, with the names Takeshi and Shoji.

Applicant name: FranklinDAO (Penn Blockchain)

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization

Link to Tally onchain voting profile: Tally

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:

FranklinDAO is a student-run DAO composed of students at the University of Pennsylvania. We’ve been long-term contributors to UniswapDAO since the first Snapshot vote in 2021, helping push through many proposals. Our recent engagements include publishing the Uniswap Treasury Working Group Report (full report, forum post) putting out a proposal to Scale Uniswap Liquidity on Celo linked below, and our member Alex Duckworth serving on the Accountability Committee since October 2024.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:


May 31st, 2021 - Should Uniswap lower the proposal submission threshold?


Nov 12th, 2022 - Add 1 Basis Point Fee Tier

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

Dec 22, 2024 - [TEMP CHECK] Scale Uniswap Liquidity on Celo

Mar 12, 2023 - [Temperature Check] Deploy Uniswap v3 onto Kava EVM Network

Nov 24, 2022 - [Consensus Check] Deploy Uniswp V3 to Boba Network

Nov 17, 2022 - [Temperature Check] Deploy Uniswap V3 to Boba Network

Sep 24 - 2022 - [Consensus Check] Deploy Uniswap V3 to zkSync

Sep 16, 2022 - [Temperature Check] Deploy Uniswap V3 to zkSync

Aug 13, 2021 - Consensus Check: Upgrade Governance Contract to Governor Bravo

Jul 10, 2021 - Consensus Check: Raise the proposal quorum threshold

Jun 22, 2021 - Temperature Check: Raise the proposal quorum threshold

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

Scale Uniswap Liquidity on Celo

Deploy Uniswap V3 to Boba Network

Deploy Uniswap V3 on zkSync

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025?

We have joined infrequently over the past cycle due to conflicts, under Alex Duckworth / Franklin DAO.

Applicant Name: Gauntlet

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization.

Link to Onchain Voting Profile:

Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:
Gauntlet has been active in the Uniswap ecosystem for a number of years. We believe governance participation is crucial to balance a diverse set of viewpoints and that this program will help ensure a core base of delegate engagement. Gauntlet will continue to bring our data-driven background and experience across governance ecosystems to the Uniswap DAO.

Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:
Onchain: November 2,. 2021: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/uniswap/proposal/9
Offchain: December 21, 2022: https://snapshot.org/#/uniswapgovernance.eth/proposal/0x387b5e811e9673359b98729af5c7f14a50b7d0ea9b4dcf9278686b238932e25d

Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit):

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well.
Yes, attended both.

Applicant Name: GFX Labs (@GFXlabs)

Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization.

Link to Delegate Forum Platform: Delegate platform on Agora

Link to Snapshot Profile: GFX on Snapshot

Link to Tally/ Agora/ onchain voting profile: GFX on Tally

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the snapshot (Required if the voting power is less than 10k $UNI): We have proposed 21 proposals that have passed Snapshot

Links to the proposal that you authored or co-authored that passed the Onchain Vote: We have proposed 11 proposals that have passed on Tally

Joined Uniswap Gov Workshop Before? If so, when?: GFX has been a longtime contributor for several years

Joined Uniswap Community Call Before? If so, when?: GFX has been a longtime contributor for several years

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph): GFX Labs (and its founder before it was created) has been one of the most active and prolific Uniswap contributors. We consistently vote, provide feedback on proposals, draft proposals, and provide independent business development and public policy support for Uniswap.

Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well. Yes, we attended both calls.