Applicant name: SEEDGov
Specify if you’re applying as an individual or an organization: Organization
Link to Tally onchain voting profile: Uniswap Tally Profile
Applicant summary–briefly explain why you’re interested in applying for this Delegate Reward Initiative:
SEEDGov is the first Latam based Delegate Platform actively engaging in various governance activities and we have a dedicated team of SEEDGov members, passionate about Uniswap and committed to governance activities. It has been a pleasure to have been part of Cycle 2 and ee are excited about the opportunity to continue to collaborate with Uniswap Governance.
The main objective of this delegation will be to continue to maintain active and meaningful participation, contributing to the growth and evolution of Uniswap Protocol Governance within Ethereum and other chains where available. In this sense, we have maintained a 100% voting, participation and justification rate since our joining, participating in community calls, and contributing ideas and asking relevant questions in the discussions to promote improvements in the proposals submitted, and not only that we will continue on this path, but we intend to deepen it, we have strong interest, expertise and capacity in to participate and integrate working groups, committees and workshops in which we can collaborate more intensely for the benefit of Uniswap, the DAO and its community.
It is our understanding that this new program cycle will help to continue to increase participation and discussions in governance, both in quantity and quality, thus strengthening governance itself and the protocol. In our specific case, the rewards received has been used to cover the compensation of the team dedicated to the Uniswap delegation, as well as the rest of the support team in different areas, so it would be very useful to continue to count on an incentive from the governance itself to ensure that we can continue and deepen our participation with the highest levels of quality that Uniswap deserves.
Please provide the date and link of the first offchain and onchain Uniswap vote you made:
Offchain: Jun 18, 2024 - Snapshot
Onchain: May 29, 2024 - Tally
Have you posted an RFC that passed the offchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): Yes, 1:
Have you posted an RFC that passed the onchain voting stage before? If so, please provide links here (only the sole author or co-authors explicitly mentioned on the proposal will receive credit): Yes, 1 (pending approval):
Have you joined the Uniswap Community Call for September, October, December 2024 & January - Feb 2025? If so, what name did you join as? If multiple joined as a team, please note theirs as well: We joined all of these Uniswap Community Calls with one of our member, Marian, who completed all the forms on SEEDGov’s behalf.