The purpose of the Temperature Check is to determine if there is sufficient will to make changes to the status quo.
To create a Temperature Check:
Ask a general, non-biased question to the community on about a potential change (example: “Should Uniswap governance add liquidity mining for XYZ token?”). Forum posts should be labeled as follows: “Temperature Check - [Your Title Here]”. The forum post should include a link to the associated Snapshot poll.
Voters use Snapshot to indicate their interest in bringing it forward to the next stage. Snapshot poll lengths should be set to 2 days.
That’s it! You’ve just started the process of gaining support for a proposal. At the end of the 2 days, a majority vote with a 25k UNI yes-vote threshold wins.
If the Temperature check does not suggest a change from the status quo, the topic will be closed. If the Temperature Check does suggest a change, proceed to Stage 2: Consensus Check.