Voting Actions 2024 - April 22nd - April 26th
Proposal: Onboarding package bundle
Vote: For
Reasoning: In the previous voting phases we voted for the majority of these oboarding packages. We are continiuing our support with this vote.
Proposal: Update Uni v3/v2 Deployment Process (March 2024)
Vote: For
Reasoning: We support updating the deployment process to make it more efficient and trust the Accountability Committee in the newly added permissions.
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Voting Actions 2024 - April 29th - May 3rd
Proposal: Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury
Vote: For
Reasoning: In the previous voting phase we voted in support of this initiative. We are continuing our support with this vote.
Proposal: DeFi Education Fund Temp Check
Vote: Against
Reasoning: While we appreciate the overall importance of campaigning for supportive DeFi regulations to build a healthy environment for Uniswapâs growth, we are against the specific outline of the original DEF proposal.
We voted in support of the DeFi Education Fund in the alternative proposal.
Proposal: DeFi Education Fund Temp Check- Options
Vote: Fund 500,000 UNI
Reasoning: We recognize the value the Uniswap ecosystem would gain from supportive DeFi regulations and the risks that could arise from overregulation or unfriendly laws. Considering it is a follow-up request for funding, we think 500,000 UNI is a fair amount.
Voting Actions 2024 - May 6th - 10th
Proposal: [Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward -3 Months-Cycle 1
Vote: Yes, proceed
Reasoning: As written in our delegate statement, we aim to contribute to the long-term sustainability of the Uniswap ecosystem actively and to improve its governance process. This program fits into that as a first step to increase participation rate and high-value discussion and action.
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Voting Actions 2024 - May 13th - 17th
Proposal: [Temp Check] Onboard Uniswap to Redstone
Vote: Deploy without incentives
Reasoning: We are supporting deploying Uniswap across blockchains, but the suggested amounts of incentives seem inappropriate when benchmarked with the metric-incentive ratio of other Onboarding Package recipients.
Voting Actions 2024 - May 27th - 31st
Proposal: Uniswap Delegate Reward- 3 Months Cycle 1
Vote: For
Reasoning: We are in favour of rewarding delegates for their contributions to the Uniswap DAO.
Proposal: DeFi Education Fund
Vote: For
Reasoning: We support initiatives aimed at assisting the DeFi industry from a legal standpoint. As signalled in our Snapshot voting, we are concerned about the amounts requested and the work being delivered. We would like to see diversified contributions to lobbying organisations rather than a large grant to a single entity. Despite this, we voted in favour of this proposal as a protection mechanism allows the DAO to take the funds back where appropriate.
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Voting Actions 2024 - June 17th - 21st
Proposal: Uniswap Arbitrum LTIPP Matching
Vote: #1 $750k #2 $1m #3 $500k #4 $250k #5 Do Not Fund
Reasoning: We are in favour of matching ARB incentives with UNI incentives. As ARB was at $0.77 at the time of voting, our first preference resulted in $750k in order to create a 1:1 match with the 1M ARB.
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Voting Actions June 24th - 28th
Proposal: Uniswap Arbitrum LTIPP Matching
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for the initiative, we voted in favour.
Voting Actions July 22th - 26th
Proposal: [Temp Check] Uniswap Onboarding Package - Gnosis Chain
Vote: Abstain
Reasoning: As the author of this proposal we have chosen to abstain.
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Voting Actions August 5th - 9th
Proposal: [TEMP CHECK] Uniswap Onboarding Package - OKX Chain
Vote: Abstain
Reasoning: We support the expansion of Uniswap across chains, but we think the current proposal is unbalanced with an excessive amount of incentives directed to OKB pools.
Proposal: [Temp Check] Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program
Vote: Arbitrum, Base
Reasoning: Arbitrum and Base are the largest L2 markets for Uniswap in terms of both trading volumes and fee generation. Therefore, we think analysing those should be the priority.
Voting Actions August 12th - 16th
Proposal: [TEMP CHECK]- Revised - Uniswap Onboarding Package - OKX Chain
Vote: For
Reasoning: We are supportive of Uniswap expanding to new chains and we appreciate the revised proposal.
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Voting Actions August 19th - 23rd
Proposal: [REDO: Temp Check] Activate 2, 3, 4 bps fee tiers on Uniswap v3 on Base
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for this initiative, we voted in favour.
Proposal: [Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 2
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for this initiative, we voted in favour.
Proposal: Deploy Uniswap v3 on X Layer
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for this initiative, we voted in favour.
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Voting Actions September 2nd - 6th
Proposal: Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative - Cycle 2
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for this proposal, we voted in favour.
Proposal: [Temp Check] - Ethereum Foundation Attackathon Sponsorship
Vote: Abstain
Reasoning: This initiative will benefit Uniswap only in limited or indirect ways. We are not opposed to sponsoring the Attackathon if thatâs what the majority wants, but we suggest going with the lower tier in that case.
Voting Actions September 9th - 14th
Proposal: Proposal to active 2, 3, 4 bps fee-tiers on Base
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for this proposal, we voted in favour.
Proposal: UAC Renewal S3
Vote: Renew UAC
Reasoning: We appreciate the valuable work done by the UAC and are in favour of renewing this function with the suggested changes.
Proposal: Approved Budgets Rebalancing
Vote: Approved rebalance
Reasoning: Due to fluctuations in token price, we are in favour of rebalancing approved budgets.
Proposal: Uniswap Delegate Race Tiebreaker
Vote: #1 Both (create an extra 16th spot), #2 Tane, #3 Argonaut
Reasoning: Considering the active participation of both delegates, we are in favour of adding an extra spot to accommodate both.
Voting Actions September 16th - 20th
Proposal: Uniswap Accountability S3 Renewal and Rebalance
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for this proposal, we voted in favour.
Voting Actions September 30th - October 4th
Proposal: Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program
Vote: For
Reasoning: We believe analysing the impact of the incentives distributed via the Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program is essential to effectively utilise resources and identify growth potential for Uniswap.
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Voting Actions October 7th - 11th
Proposal: Uniswap Accountability Committee S3 Elections
Vote: 25% JoJo, 25% Alex Duckworth, 25% Alice Corsini, 25% Doo
Reasoning: We believe these individuals would bring added value to the UAC.
Proposal: [TEMP CHECK] - Onboarding Package for Lisk
Vote: Against
Reasoning: We voted against this proposal based on the size of the Lisk chain. While it has $ 130M in TVL, the LSK token accounts for 99% of it (as reported by L2BEAT). At present, we believe this is not an ecosystem that can impact Uniswapâs growth.
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Voting Actions October 21st - 25th
Proposal: Uniswap Growth Program Trial
Vote: In Support
Reasoning: We believe AlphaGrowth would provide a valuable addition to Uniswapâs expansion pipeline. Specifically, we see a gap in funding the DAO could get from other protocols, but itâs currently not receiving. Our hope is for this program to solve that specific issue.
Proposal: [Updated] Forse Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for this initiative, we voted in favour.
Voting Actions October 28th - November 1st
Proposal: [TEMP CHECK] - Tally Uniswap Proposal
Vote: For
Reasoning: We believe Tally is a valuable tool that positively contributes to Uniswapâs governance. And, we find the budget requested for this initiative appropriate. For these reasons, we voted in favour.
Voting Actions November 25th - 29th
Proposal: Supporting Tallyâs Development and Enhancements for Uniswap DAO Governance
Vote: For
Reasoning: Continuing our support for this initiative, we voted in favour. Tally is a valuable platform that is effectively making governance more accessible for Uniswap DAO and other leading DAOs.
Voting Actions December 16th - 20th
Proposal: [Temp Check] - Adopt The SEAL Safe Harbor Agreement
Vote: For
Reasoning: As karpatkey, we are very conscious about security in the DeFi industry. We believe the SEAL Safe Harbour Agreement is an essential piece to increase the protocolâs security practices and encourage whitehat protection in case of emergencies.
Proposal: [TEMP CHECK] Scale Uniswap Liquidity on Celo
Vote: For
Reasoning: As Uniswap expands to more chains and Celo transitions to a Layer2, we believe UNI incentives can help in bootstrapping the initial liquidity and with positioning. We think the $250k requested is appropriate considering the Celo ecosystem and the incentives contribution on the Celo side.
Proposal: [TEMP CHECK] Metal L2: Bridging TradFi and DeFi Through Uniswap V3
Vote: For
Reasoning: As Uniswap expands to more chains, we beleive UNI incentives can help in bootstrapping the initial liquidity. Specifically on Metal, we think the $250k requested is appropriate considering the incentives and liquidity contributions committed by Metal DAO, that are relevant elements when maintaining Uniswapâs leading position in terms of market share.
Proposal: Discretionary Budget from UAC for Co-Incentive Campaigns
Vote: For
Reasoning: We understand the nature of DAO voting sometimes implies missed opportunities for Uniswap. In this context, we are in favour of letting the UAC administer a limited budget with a focus on high-impact, timely campaigns.
Proposal: Incentive Package for Sonic (Formerly Fantom)
Vote: 250k incentive match
Reasoning: As Uniswap expands to more chains, we believe UNI incentives can support the deploymentâs initial growth. Specifically on Sonic, we believe its potential to be mostly linked to its core contributors and their previous success in the crypto space. Fantom achieved rapid adoption in its first stages, generating hundreds of Millions per week in volume for its DEXs. We believe Sonic might provide similar contributions to Uniswap.