Governance Weekly Recap

Week of November 21, 2022


There’s been increased activity — and some important reflection on Uniswap governance processes.


[RFC]: Community Governance Process Changes. @devinwalsh from the Uniswap Foundation restarts a conversation about adjusting the Uniswap governance process, primarily to “reduce overhead” and “enhance off-chain signaling.” The main changes are: replace the first Snapshot poll (a temp-check, as below for example) with a request-for-comment (RFC) post in the forum (such as this very one); and increase the quorum to 5M UNI for the remaining Snapshot (the “consensus check”). The intention to formalize a process for future changes to off-chain governance components is also expressed. A Snapshot for this proposal will be posted on December 12.

:speaking_head: Leave your comments on the proposed process changes.

[Temperature Check]: Deploy Uniswap V3 on Scroll. This proposal to deploy on Scroll, a “native zkEVM Layer 2 solution for Ethereum,” was just posted to the forums this morning. The Snapshot is set to go live on December 1.

[Temperature Check]: Fix the Cross Chain Messaging Bridge on Arbitrum. Uniswap deployments on chains other than Ethereum do not have native access on-chain Uniswap governance, meaning that governance decisions must passed along from Ethereum to other chains via a messaging system. With this proposal, @bharat_eth suggests a fix for the currently “mis-configured” method of cross-chain communication with Uniswap’s Arbitrum deployment.

[Consensus Check]: Deploy Uniswap V3 to Boba Network. This proposal passed on November 24 with 78% voting in favor. In their considered dissent, @GFXlabs suggest that it might be time “to set up a framework/checklist for future Uniswap v3 deployments” to make sure upsides and downsides are fully taken into account by the community.

In the Forums

Delegate platforms. @mhonkasalo updates their voting record, as does FranklinDAO (@pennblockchain).

In Discord

Introduce yourself!

When and how did you get into web3?

On Twitter

Let’s play a game, with Uniswap Labs and @Wordcelllabs.

A quick summary of Uniswap governance this past week.

Did you know there’s a Uniswap governance bot?

Community Calls

:speaking_head: The next Community Call is on Wednesday, November 30, at 21:00 UTC.

Quick Gov Links: Governance explainer | Uniswap forums | Snapshot | On-chain proposals | Twitter governance bot | Discord governance channel | Uniswap on Boardroom

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