Delegate to monet-supply

Yes happy to share my thoughts!

Fee switch - In the short term, I don’t think it makes sense to turn on the fee switch. My preferred strategy would be wait for v3 deployment and for that to stabilize, and then potentially turn the fees on for v2 later as a sort of soft incentive for LPs to migrate liquidity.

More generally, I think protocol level swap fees should be minimized as much as possible, and other revenue models like withdrawal fees may be more acceptable to LPs:

Airdrops - I’m generally supportive of the work Dharma is doing on a distribution to wallets for proxy contract users who were not included in initial airdrop. I don’t support distribution for users after the Sept 1 cutoff date.

Pools - I like Uniswap’s launch strategy of targeting rewards to the most important assets/pairs. Deep WBTC and stablecoin pools help improve the Uniswap trading experience for users who prefer to trade based in BTC or USD, and potentially help increase volume for a bunch of long tail assets through “trickle down” liquidity if you will.

I’m not a big fan of handpicking project tokens for rewards, it can become a distraction for governance and is very hard to maintain neutrality. Balancer does a fairly good job with their whitelisting and liquidity caps, but it seems like a lot of work to maintain and update. For now, I think Uniswap should focus rewards on ETH/BTC/USD pairs.