Application For Retroactive Proxy Contract Airdrop [For Projects / Apps]

Submission Instructions For Omitted User Addresses

Hey everyone! Thank you to all the projects who are participating in the proposal. Here’s what I need moving forward to get this proposal to the finish line. I mentioned this previously, but I want to underscore it again: the earliest date users will get their UNI distributed to them is October 17th. As such, there is a much higher premium on rigor than on speed in getting this proposal submitted — though the pulse of the community seems to be largely favorable on this proposal, there are legitimate threads of concern & suspicion that are best addressed through a thoroughly transparent process.

By the end of this week, we will be submitting a proposal to the governance module that will grant ERC20 approval to a merkle drop contract we deploy committing to a set of addresses for allocation.

That set of addresses will be determined through the process described below. If the number of addresses committed to is greater than 5% of the original allocation, we will have a discussion around whether and how we wish to minimize the amount of UNI that will ultimately be pulled from the community treasury (e.g. by forcing users to preemptively claim their allocation before October 17th on the merkle drop contract). Otherwise, we will proceed with allocating UNI to the addresses aligned on in a manner similar to the initial allocation.

List of projects currently included:

  • Dharma
  • DeFi Saver
  • Paraswap (should encompass Monolith users)
  • Nuo
  • 0x API
  • MyEtherWallet
  • Totle
  • Eidoo
  • (clarification requested here @deacix)
  • Furucombo
  • Kyber

Projects Who Wish To Be Included Need To Do This :point_down:t3:

Within the next 48 hours…

  • Provide a list of affected addresses from your userbase. Please post a link that resolves to a JSON file containing the addresses — we will be programmatically validating them against the list of contract addresses that have ever been in the call-chain of a Uniswap transaction, and publishing code that allows the community to cross-reference the submitted addresses with those involved in Uniswap transactions.
  • Please be sure to omit addresses from your submission that were already in the initial retroactive airdrop — some of the larger figures quoted for “estimated # of addresses” in the applications likely overlap with the initial Uniswap allocation heavily, given that most of the projects listed were primarily interacted with through a generic web3 wallet like Metamask.
  • Please provide a basic code snippet on Github or Dune Analytics query that demonstrates how you pulled the list of excluded addresses.

We will then compile all of the above into a formalized governance proposal to the broader community. The goal is to have a list of addresses where:

  • It’s programatically clear that they were omitted from the original allocation due to the unintentional proxy contract ommission
  • It’s programatically clear that they were not included in the original allocation
  • The amount of UNI that would need to be allocated to this user segment would be, ideally, less than 5% of the original allocation, and, at worst, 10% of the original allocation.