UAC Season 3 Application

The onchain vote to renew the Uniswap Accountability Committee (UAC) has passed. We will commence with the election of two new committee members. This present forum post will serve as the space for candidates interested in applying to the UAC to submit their applications. For a detailed account of the type of work that the UAC conducts and will plan on undertaking during Season 3, please read the Season 2 Report.

Committee Details

  • The UAC will consist of 5 people for increased work capacity and multisig security.
  • Budget for the number of hours a month is 30 hours/month @ $200/hour
  • For foreseeable seasons, we are adopting a staggered election system to retain three current members on the committee—this helps sustain momentum and continuity with existing projects. We believe a degree of stickiness with the UAC team is important since conducting the noted operations requires subject matter expertise and familiarity with the DAO.
    • Going forward, the UAC will internally decide which members will be reelected, that is if two members don’t voluntarily not run again.
    • Season 3 will last for about 6 months, through March 2025.

Eligibility Criteria

You are only allowed to apply as an individual—not as an organization, using your DAO-recognized name and identity. Although you may be associated with an organization, it is important to have representation from a designated point-person to ensure clear accountability. Multisig operations are also less obscure when dealing with a single individual, and since the UAC is responsible for escrowing and deploying large amounts of funds, this will increase trust from the DAO.

Application Logistics

  • If you wish to apply for a position in the UAC, please comment on this post by completing the below application template. Please keep responses brief and to the point.
  • The application deadline is Tuesday, October 1st @ 12am UTC.
  • All applicants meeting the outline requirements will be included in a Snapshot vote.
  • The Snapshot will run for 5 days, between October 2nd - October 7th.
  • The top two candidates will become active UAC members for S3.

Voting Fairplay (Max Matching)

  • If you or anyone from your organization is applying for a UAC position, you are not allowed to designate 100% of your voting power to the candidate in question. The maximum self-voting % allowed is 50%, and this amount must be at least evenly distributed among other candidates. The maximum self-vote percentage in any scenario must be matched equally with at least one other candidate.
  • Example: if you self-vote with 50% of your voting power, you must give one more candidate the other 50% (max matching 50%). If you self-vote with 25% of your voting power, you may divide the remaining 75% among as many candidates as you like, as long as one other candidate also receives 25% (max matching 25%). The self-vote % is simply your own voting cap that must be matched at least once with another applicant.
  • This setup introduces a cap to self-voting, while simultaneously giving a degree of priority to yourself, as we understand that you would not be applying if you didn’t feel like a qualified candidate. This is something that was “soft consensus” decided when some issues arose with the treasury working group vote a few months ago.

Application Template

DAO-recognized Name:

Country of Residence & Time Zone:


What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences)

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC:

**Failure to follow the application template will result in disqualification from the election


DAO-recognized Name: _jojo

Country of Residence & Time Zone: Italy, UTC+2

Occupation: Products & Strategy @ Jones, UAGP committee, Arbitrum delegate

What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences)
As I already state in the past, whatever future crypto will have Uniswap will be part of it: contributing to Uniswap is, to me, contributing to crypto.
For the specific UAC work, I did spent the last quarter planning incentives on among others Uniswap pools in Arbitrum through the STIP bridge program for Jones, evaluating week over week the capital that was needed to steer numbers, and specifically tvl, toward the desired outcome. I have also had for this reasons extentisive relationship with Merkl, the go-to-market partner of Uniswap.

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

  • have been part of UAGP for almost a year now (thanks to the extended runaway we gathered for protocols)
  • during the latest STIP program in Arbitrum in the last month we accrued at peak $8M of concentrated liquidity in Uniswap in the Arbitrum chain through our Smart LP vaults, even supporting among others UNI incentivised pools such as UNI-WETH that were growth targets by Gauntlet
  • have recently become a delegate in UNI and plan after this first year to have a more prominent presence in the forum and in governance

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

  • Multisig member ARDC and DIP in Arbitrum, and now member of the general Arbitrum multisig (MSS)
  • LTIPP/STIP.b advisor in Arbitrum
  • Questbook committee for season 1 and 2

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:
I have been part of the Delegate Incentive Program Multisig in Arbitrum for the last 7 months, that did had to provide several (30+) payments, all differents every month in size, to different parties that completed KYC over time. This requires specifical attention to details to analyse transactions.
I am currently part of the MSS initiative in Arbitrum which is a 12 people multisig that will manage, for 1 year, all the funds from program that will opt-in into it.
I am currently part of several Jones internal multisigs.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:
As stated, I work for Jones full time, I am also a delegate in Arbitrum, and I also advise several protocols. In case a situation will arise in which there is a specific, non apparent, COI I will disclose it to the rest of the committee.

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC:


DAO-recognized Name: @jayyu23

Country of Residence & Time Zone: USA - California. Pacific Time, UTC-7

Occupation: President, Stanford Blockchain Club

What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences)

Stanford Blockchain has been proud to support Uniswap DAO since day 1, both as a major delegate and as a UAC Season 1 member. I’m currently President of Stanford Blockchain Club, and over the past year I’ve been researching mechanism designs for DAOs at Stanford Law School and IC3, and served as Teaching Assistant for Stanford’s “CS 352B/LAW 1078: Blockchain Governance” course. As a student delegate, researcher, and investor - I seek to integrate my academic/research experience with my work as a Uniswap delegate to make Uniswap work for all users.

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

  • Active, voting delegate representing Stanford Blockchain Club over the past year as former UAC Season 1 member 0xKydo’s successor
  • I taught Uniswap’s Unistaker & Fee Switch design for Stanford’s “CS 352B/LAW 1078: Blockchain Governance” in May 2024
  • Analyzed decentralization across voting rounds in Uniswap (Temp Check vs. On-chain vote) and other DAOs for IC3 (to be published soon)

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

  • Optimism RFP grantee - researching voting mechanism tradeoffs in prior RPGF funding rounds
  • Seed Grants Committee for Starknet Foundation

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:

Stanford Blockchain uses multisigs for all of its governance and delegation roles - including across Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism, and Starknet.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

I am currently President of Stanford Blockchain Club. For the academic year of ‘24-25, we expect to have voting delegations in several other prominent protocols, including Aave, Optimism, Arbitrum, and Starknet. I am also an investor in a part-time capacity at Pantera Capital. In cases where there are conflicts of interest, I will disclose these to the rest of the committee and abstain from voting if necessary.

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC:



DAO-recognized Name: Alex Duckworth, @pennblockchain

Country of Residence & Time Zone: USA, EST

Occupation: Strategy and Growth Lead at Nucleus

What is your motivation for applying to this working group?

I’ve seen the impact which this committee has had over the past year and I am more than excited to have an opportunity to join. Over time it appears that the major role of the UAC has been to support expansion and growth of Uniswap through various efforts like supporting new deployments, working groups, and DAO financials. If I am elected in the UAC I look forward to continuing these efforts, especially as they relate to expanding the reach of v4.

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

I run the @pennblockchain delegation to Uniswap DAO. Under this position my responsibilities have been involved with voting, decision making, collaborating with other delegates, and managing communications with the Uniswap Foundation.

Aside from the upkeep of our voting platform, I have also sought to be as involved as possible with the DAO in efforts focused on researching the future of the DAOs governance and financials. These include:

  • Edge City Governance Games - Sponsored by the Uniswap Foundation and hosted by Butter DAO, we explored a lot of innovative methodologies for voting mechanisms and applications of governance.
  • GovSwap 1 and 2 - I was present at both GovSwaps that have been hosted by the Uniswap Foundation so far (Denver & Brussels).
  • UTWG - I was voted into the Uniswap Treasury Working Group by the DAO earlier this year along with @AbdullahUmar @karpatkey and @StableLab. Since then we have worked together to create a framework for allocating and diversifying the Uniswap DAO treasury.

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

  • UTWG - My particular focus in this effort was analyzing the principal agent problem (tradeoffs between decentralization and operational efficiency), quantifying it, and creating matrices of decision options that address the different aspects of the principal agent problem in DAO treasury management.

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:

As a member of the Nucleus core team I am required to monitor multisig transactions and sign as soon as possible after transaction verification and simulation. The kinds of transactions we deal with vary. Some of the actions I sign for include:

  • deploying new smart contracts
  • pausing old smart contracts
  • managing capital/defi strategies
  • adding or removing signers

This responsibility requires the management of multiple multisig wallets.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:
I am a core team member of Nucleus and a member @pennblockchain in charge of multiple other delegations including Compound, Renzo, Origin, & Stader.

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC: 0xE894DC040eE781e05f95b89cF609049aC24641f1


DAO-recognized Name: @alicecorsini

Country of Residence & Time Zone: Switzerland, UTC+2

Occupation: Governance at @karpatkey , UTWG member, Arbitrum delegate

What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences):

As a long-time Uniswap participant, I’ve been involved since its launch—starting as a swapper, then liquidity provider, UNI airdrop recipient, and ecosystem builder. Now, I serve as a delegate with @karpatkey and contribute to the Uniswap Treasury Working Group. With over 4 years of experience designing growth strategies and incentive campaigns in collaboration with DEXs like Curve and PancakeSwap and CEXs like Binance, I believe the Uniswap Accountability Committee (UAC) is crucial for driving growth, especially as Uniswap v4 approaches, leveraging my experience with hooks-powered products.

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

  • as a delegate (via @karpatkey), my responsibilities include voting and managing communications and collaborations with various Uniswap stakeholders;
  • I am part of the Uniswap Treasury Working Group, a research dedicated to analysing possible ways of leveraging the Uniswap treasury;
  • I authored the Onboarding Package for Gnosis Chain proposal, that allocated $ 250k of incentives to Gnosis Chain and provided the relevant Uniswap deployment with a frontend;
  • I actively participate to community gatherings, both online and IRL (I was at GovSwap Brussels and will be at GovSwap Bangkok).

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

Crypto (non-Uniswap) related teams:

  • karpatkey, Governance team
  • pNetwork, Operations team and Strategy & growth team
  • Oraclize, Operations team

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:

  • multi-sigs are used for voting and delegations at karpatkey
  • I use multi-sigs on a daily basis for payments and interacting with DeFi protocols

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

I am a full-time contributor at karpatkey and I am an Arbitrum delegate.

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC:



DAO-recognized Name: Doo , Doo_StableLab

Country of Residence & Time Zone: South Korea, KST

Occupation: Co-founder & COO at StableLab

What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences):

I have been a proponent of empowered delegates and working groups to ensure Uniswap DAO itself is empowered. While the scope was limited when I contributed to the Uniswap Accountability Committee Season 1, I believe I can contribute more with the increased scope of Season 3.

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

I have been a delegate since May of 2023, and I was part of the Uniswap Accountability Committee Season 1 and also Uniswap Delegate Reward Working Group.

I am part of the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) and Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG).

I have authored or co-authored various proposals including “Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury” and “Uniswap Delegate Reward”

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

Beside contributing to Uniswap, I am involved in Sky Protocol in terms of supporting growth (which I contributed since 2018). I also have been part of various working groups including Compound Governance Support Group and on Grants Committees for Kaia ecosystem.

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:

I have been a multisig Member for various roles including UAGP for Uniswap, Compound Grants Committee and also Compound Governance Support Working Group for Compound Finance.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

I am involved in Sky Protocol in terms of supporting growth. In terms of governance participation / contribution, involved in Ronin, Kaia, Compound Finance, and Ajna. StableLab, I am a co-founder and COO of, is involved in over 20 different protocols. StableLab’s parent company StableNode has several investments which can be reviewed here.

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC:



DAO-recognized Name: @marian

Country of Residence & Time Zone: Argentina, UTC-3


  • Lawyer. Master’s degree in Intellectual Property
  • Head of Legal SEED Gov
  • Uniswap Delegation Lead SEED Gov
  • Analyst and Research SEED Gov
  • Multisig signatory of the GovCo (Governance Committee) of ParaSwap

What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences)

Uniswap is the most important and relevant DEX of all crypto and DeFi. Contributing to keeping Uniswap vital and resilient is contributing to keeping decentralized finance vital and resilient for the benefit of all humanity. Therefore, and sharing this vision, we are fully aligned with Uniswap from the beginning of the SEED organization.

In particular, the UAC plays a central role within Uniswap to keep all its operations active, so working with the UAC is a great responsibility that it would be an honour to be able to fulfill. We want to help ease the increased workload and expanded scope expected in this Season 3, to support decentralization & DAO security and bring the multidisciplinary SEED team in the key focus area, highlighting growth V4 Strategies.

If I am elected, I will take the personal responsibility, but I will not be alone, I will have the support of the whole multidisciplinary team of SEEDGov to carry out this task in the most professional way.

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

  • I have been a member of the SEEDGov delegation team in Uniswap since May 2024 to date, with a 100% participation rate and votes justification, and active participation in the most relevant threads.
  • Our commitment to Uniswap is very strong, so we are looking forward to increasing our participation and collaboration in different committees and working groups, and to contribute with our experience gained from our relevant participation in other delegations.

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

  • I am a multisig signatory to the GovCo (Governance Committee) of ParaSwap, from May 2024 to the present.
  • I was a member of the MakerDAO (now Sky) Sovereign Finance AVC (Aligned Voters Committee) from May 2023 to May 2024, where we played a leading role in contributing to the improvement of the 5 Scopes established by the Atlas with concrete proposals that we have drafted and that have been approved by the community.
  • In addition, I am a member of SEEDGov which has a multidisciplinary team that will fully support me if elected, and currently has the following roles:

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:

  • As I said above, I am a multisig signatory to the GovCo (Governance Committee) of ParaSwap, from May 2024 to the present. This committee, among other functions, controls the multisig of the entire ParaSwap DAO, verifies and signs the transactions that distribute fees to users and the DAO, manages the DAO’s treasury transactions and handles the transactions of the ParaBoost system (user incentive program).
  • As I also said earlier, the SEEDGov team that will support me if I am elected is a signatory to several Everclear multisig (The Rollup, Inverter, Ethereum 2077, Nebula Marketing Partnership).

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

I have no pre-existing conflicts of interest. Should any future situation arise that may constitute a conflict of interest, I will immediately disclose it in order to take the necessary measures, should such a hypothetical scenario occur.

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC:



We confirm that @Marian is who he says he is and belongs to SEED Gov.

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DAO-recognized Name: Takeshi from @Tane

Country of Residence & Time Zone: USA, ET

Occupation: Co-Founder & Head of Network Operations, Tané, delegate at Arbitrum, Optimism, and Lido.

What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences):

I’m committed to contributing to Uniswap, one of the most important DeFi protocols in the industry and I believe the Accountability Committee is the key operational structure to drive its growth. With my previous professional job experiences as a senior software engineer at Twitter and a product manager at SmartNews, a Japanese unicorn based in SF/NY, I should be able to address the operational challenges that often require technical understanding. By collaborating with various projects and chains through the UAC, I aim to help increase Uniswap’s LTV and usage, and drive its growth.

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

I have been contributing to the Uniswap DAO as the main representative from TanĂ© as an active delegate. I have participated in governance discussions online and offline, voted on proposals on behalf of TanĂ©, and engaged with the community to represent stakeholders’ interests.

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

I’m the main representative of the committees/councils below:

  • Optimism Grants Council Season 6 Mission Reviewer: I’m currently serving as a council member as the representative, and overseeing grant allocations to projects that contribute to the Optimism ecosystem.
  • Optimism Anticapture Commission Season 6 Member

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:

I have participated in and/or led the multisig operations at Tané and various DAOs including Lido node operations.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

As stated above, TanĂ©, which I’m part of, is actively involved as delegates in multiple DAOs, including Arbitrum, Optimism, and Lido. TanĂ© also has its investment arm as a separate entity, which has invested in multiple crypto projects.

I am committed to transparency and will disclose any potential conflicts of interest. In situations where a conflict may arise, I will abstain myself from related discussions and decisions to maintain the integrity of the committee’s work.

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC:



DAO-recognized Name: Kevin Nielsen, @Boardroom

Country of Residence & Time Zone: USA, EST

Occupation: Founder of Boardroom, a governance platform for DAOs.

What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences)
As a governance-focused organization, Boardroom promotes transparency, accountability, and operational rigor within DAOs. By joining the UAC, I aim to support Uniswap’s continued growth by ensuring the secure management of multisig operations, financial oversight, and incentive programs. With our experience in governance facilitation and financial management, I believe we can contribute meaningfully to Uniswap’s mission and help ensure the long-term success of the protocol.

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:
Boardroom has been involved in Uniswap governance since its inception, supporting governance-related discussions, summarizing critical proposals, and providing easy-to-read governance updates to reduce information asymmetry. We have integrated the entire Uniswap governance stack, simplifying governance for voters and standardizing interactions for developers through our SDK and API. Additionally, we’ve supported Uniswap governance through Snapshot integration, onchain delegation, and by offering a governance dashboard to ensure seamless participation.

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:
I have led all governance advisory initiatives for Boardroom as we serviced over ten projects and DAOs. In these roles, we helped design and implement governance frameworks, optimize treasury management, and enhance participation. These roles have focused on improving operational efficiency while ensuring decentralized, transparent decision-making. I also currently serve on the Optimism Grants Council, where I review and vote on proposals that align with the council’s goals, such as funding impactful projects and ensuring transparency and accountability in the grant approval process.

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:
At Boardroom, I manage internal multisig operations focused on financial management and governance processes, including fund transfers and payroll disbursements. My role ensures the secure execution of transactions and the maintenance of internal treasury functions, prioritizing transparency and operational security. Additionally, I serve as a signer on the Shell Protocol multisig, where I participate in approving transactions, though my involvement is more focused on participation rather than oversight.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:
Boardroom is a venture-funded company with investors who are delegates in other DeFi and L2 protocols. We also provide governance facilitation services to ecosystems such as Moonwell, Optimism, and Lido.

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC: 0x6De8448e7d5f58af394CC9540ABe703d0c955dFd

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Uniswap Accountability Committee (UAC) Application

DAO-recognized Name: @Sov

Country of Residence & Time Zone: US - US Pacific Time

Occupation: Head of Grants at Gitcoin

What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences)

My journey spans from transforming a local food bank through pandemic grants to becoming deeply involved in Web3 grant ecosystems, including being a Uniswap and Ethereum Foundation grantee. As Head of Grants at Gitcoin, I now lead one of crypto’s most established programs, assessing, designing, and managing diverse initiatives across the ecosystem. My experience lends itself well to this position, and I aim to ensure Uniswap’s resources are strategically allocated to support projects and drive growth in the ecosystem.

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:

As Head of Grants at Gitcoin, I have experience operating as a multisig member, overseeing the allocation of grants annually across various ecosystems. This involves multisig transactions for fund disbursement and management, implementing processes for evaluating and supporting grantees, and ensuring transparency and accountability.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

I am currently the Head of Grants at Gitcoin, a delegate for multiple DAOs (ENS, Radicle, Optimism), and a member of the Optimism Grants Council. I commit to full transparency and will recuse myself from any decisions directly impacting these organizations. I also contribute to Karma and build an onchain registry of grant programs with the Cartographer Syndicate.

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC:


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DAO-recognized Name: @drllau

Country of Residence & Time Zone: Australia, AWST

Occupation: legal engineer (certified) specialising in IP/IT/ID law

What is your motivation for applying to this working group? (max 3 sentences)
Within this 3rd season, I aim to:

  1. Strengthen the independence of UAC by seeking a mandate for detecting collusion (responsibilities akin to ICAC);
  2. Empower UniSwap delegates to convene boards of inquiry (akin to NTSB airplane crash where probity concerns are raised & resolved;
  3. Foster evidentiary standards to support 3rd-party investigative journalism allowing whistleblowers to bring attention to any rorts in confidence;

that will foster transparency and bring a higher degree of accountability via self-discipline (not top-down regulation xref video link in image).
higher degree of accountability

Please list your association, history, and contributions to the Uniswap protocol or DAO:

  • as independent party, I am neutral wrt delegate platforms/positions;
  • however, I have made observations on various AMM meta-governance issues (broadening UniDAO representation, Curve IP rights, etc)
  • (pro bono) summarised the UK classification of DAO structures for the UniSwap treasury legalities;

Briefly provide an overview of any other working groups or teams that you have been a part of in the past:

  • submission to UK Digital Securities Sandbox committee;
  • contributed articles to BanklessDAO under their legal sub-guild;
  • guest mentor for Singapore’s premiere accelerator;
  • trustee for IP holding vehicle;

Briefly provide an overview of any role that has required you to operate as a multisig member:

  • currently assistant Operator for LexDAO in joint administration of funds/grants;
  • producer for one hackathon using gnosis SAFE;
  • contributing case studies (MakerDAO purple-pull putsch, Steem) towards a governance ethics education module which explains the role of multi-sigs;

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  • none (independent party)

Provide the wallet address that you will be using as a part of the UAC:

Applications are now closed.

The election snapshot vote is now posted. Please take a moment and review the candidates; the top 2 will be elected: here.