Although we consider Tally as a key piece in decentralized governance in general and in Uniswap in particular, we unfortunately voted against this proposal because we believe it contains numerous deficiencies that have not been addressed after the offchain vote. Once these have been addressed and the issues clarified, we will undoubtedly support a proposal to support Tally from Uniswap.
The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @kaereste and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.
We’re voting FOR the proposal.
Following our support during temp-check, we’re also voting in favor of Tally’s proposal during the onchain vote.
While we have seen the discussion in the comments above and the concerns raised, we don’t think they are severe enough to vote against this initiative. However, we encourage Tally to make an effort to address any concerns if the proposal is passed.
Hey everyone,
First of all, congratulations on passing the proposal!
I truly respect the effort and dedication you’ve put into the Uniswap DAO. Personally, I voted against the proposal because I felt it didn’t meet the merits of a fundraising proposal. If it had been formatted as a service agreement, I likely would have voted in favor, all things considered.
That said, I’d love to understand when the roadmap is expected to be announced.
Having clarity on this would greatly enhance the ability of the UAC and delegates to assess whether the proposal is progressing towards completion or if it has become stagnant (stagnant meaning inactive or reduced to a simple service agreement).
looking at the vote results, it seems that some conversations are taking place in a more private place.
The major voters did not participate in the discussion and tried to explain which option was their favor. More so, non of them felt the need to answer any critical questions about the justification to spend $500k on a solution with no clear roadmap.
Good luck to Tally and I hope they prove us wrong with the stellar solution they will build from here on.