RFC - Options for Supporting DeFi Education Fund

This is a parallel proposal regarding DeFi Education Fund (DEF) 's recent proposal for 1 million $UNI , which means we will post it when DEF’s proposal is up, but just with more options so the community has more choices regarding how they want to support DEF. For better or worse, we understand that some sort of funding to DEF will be likely approved considering the current landscape and Hayden’s support for DEF. Even If so, we want to ensure the community has more choices.

The voting will be Single choice voting with the following options:

  1. Fund 100,000 UNI
  2. Fund 300,000 UNI
  3. Fund 500,000 UNI
  4. Fund 700,000 UNI
  5. Fund 1 million UNI
  6. Do not fund the DEF
  7. Abstain

The parallel proposal is live https://snapshot.org/#/uniswapgovernance.eth/proposal/0x0020f65948996b728ebce6c8a6ce5148d936a0151dd48f2e43bbcf34330cf542