[RFC] Forse for Uniswap Analytics for Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program

Simple Summary

This proposal seeks to onboard Forse by StableLab as a data service provider, helping analyze the effectiveness of the Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program.


The Uniswap DAO recently introduced the Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program which incentivizes users in current and new deployments of Uniswap in different networks within the L2 space. The initial onboarding packages of this program cost the Uniswap DAO at least $3.5M worth of assets.

We propose that Uniswap DAO engage with Forse, our DAO intelligence and analytics platform, to analyze the impact of the Uniswap Revitalization and Growth program and assess if the current approach drives real growth.

By holistically assessing the impacts of the Revitalization and Growth Program, the Uniswap DAO will have valuable insights to improve further iterations of the Revitalization and Growth Program or other incentive programs. Armed with this information, Uniswap DAO will be able to understand what was the most relevant user groups, and their acquisition cost, and evaluate if the Revitalization and Growth program effectively modified user behavior and led to increased stickiness of users, and therefore TVL and other top-level protocol metrics.

Recently, StableLab supported the Arbitrum DAO as the Program Manager for the Arbitrum Short-Term Incentives Program, and we delivered a comprehensive analysis of the STIP to the Arbitrium DAO.

With Uniswap allocating over $3.5M worth of assets for the purpose of growing Uniswap’s market share, it is essential to ensure that the DAO analyses and reviews the impact of these incentives on an ongoing basis.

What is Forse?

Forse is a data and intelligence platform built by StableLab helping DAOs analyze the impact of governance decisions in protocol growth, top-line metrics, and governance operations, including its cost and effort structures. StableLab is the leading provider of governance products and solutions for decentralized protocols. We work with various projects, from the ones just starting their journey to decentralization to the most prominent DeFi protocols.

This service provider engagement grants the Uniswap DAO access to the services of the entire StableLab team. Specifically, three StableLab team members will be the primary points of contact.


Christian Ziegler is the Tech Lead at StableLab. Previously, he worked as researcher at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), where he wrote his doctoral thesis on DAOs. In 2018, he co-founded Blockcurators GmbH. Christian has several published scientific articles, including: a Taxonomy of DAOs; scoring methodologies for DAOs; network analysis of DAOS; classification of DAO proposals using LLMs; among others.

Johannes Loewe is the Data Lead at StableLab, where he focuses on all stages of AI and ML development, from experimentation to deployment. Before joining StableLab, he was a Freelance AI & Blockchain Software Engineer. He also has experience with DAOs, being a founding member of PretzelDAO in Munich. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Radboud University in the Netherlands and a Master’s degree in Machine Learning from NUI-Galway in Ireland.

Marcos Miranda is the Head of Product at StableLab. With over 5 years of experience in Product Management, with focus on Web3 and Analytics products, he is also experienced in building DeFi protocols, having previously worked for other protocols in the space.


By analyzing the impact of these incentives, Forse by StableLab hopes to identify the following:

  • Impact quantification of the Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program in top-line protocol metrics with the isolation of external factors influencing these metrics as far as permitted and reasonably possible.
  • User segmentation and analysis based on archetypes of users to determine the types of users attracted through the incentive program.
  • Post-Incentive user retention, reactivation, and user acquisition cost metrics.
  • Per-dollar value of incentives compared to other ways of incentivising users (e.g. Airdrops, LP rewards, grants, …).
  • User Retention and activity patterns over the time of the Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program.

To see Forse in action, explore our interactive dashboard showcasing the Arbitrum Short-Term Incentives Program. This provides a great example of what our output could be for Uniswap’s Revitalization and Growth Program.

Budget Request

The proposal requests $70,000 worth of UNI to analyze the impact of the Uniswap Revitalization and Growth Program so far for 3 blockchains chosen by the Uniswap DAO, with 3 months of additional maintenance support and updates to analytics modules utilized in the live dashboard.

Next Steps

  1. Getting feedback from the UniswapDAO regarding the proposal

  2. Launching Snapshot vote to decide the top 3 blockchains as well as regarding this proposal

  3. Proceed to Onchain Vote if the snapshot vote passes