# [RFC] Deploy Uniswap V3 on Abstract

Proposal Summary

  • The purpose of this post is to apply for canonical Uniswap V3 deployment on Abstract
  • All of the Uni v3 contracts have already been deployed
  • No further actions need to be taken by the DAO

About Abstract

Abstract is a Layer 2 (L2) network built on top of Ethereum, designed to securely power consumer-facing blockchain applications at scale with low fees and fast transaction speeds.

Built on top of the ZK Stack, Abstract is a zero-knowledge (ZK) rollup built to be a more scalable alternative to Ethereum; it achieves this scalability by executing transactions off-chain, batching them together, and verifying batches of transactions on Ethereum using (ZK) proofs.

Abstract is EVM compatible, meaning it looks and feels like Ethereum, but with lower gas fees and higher transaction throughput. Most existing smart contracts built for Ethereum will work out of the box on Abstract (with some differences), meaning developers can easily port applications to Abstract with minimal changes.

Proposal Stakeholders

Proposer: Reservoir
Deployer: Protofire
Frontend: Reservoir
Bridge Provider: Canonical
Target Chain: Abstract

Deployment Details

As is the case with all official v3 deployments, this deployment is governed by the Uniswap DAO via Abstract’s native bridge. Per the governance process, the UAC will review the deployment and update the text record to include the Abstract deployment.

Abstract is a ZK-Sync based chain, meaning that calls from L1 route through an “alias” address on the L2. The alias address for the L1 DAO Timelock contract is 0x2BAD8182C09F50c8318d769245beA52C32Be46CD, and this is configured as the owner, exactly the same as ZK-Sync.

Relevant Uni v3 Contracts

v3CoreFactoryAddress: 0xA1160e73B63F322ae88cC2d8E700833e71D0b2a1

multicall2Address: 0x9CA4dcb2505fbf536F6c54AA0a77C79f4fBC35C0

proxyAdminAddress: 0x76d539e3c8bc2A565D22De95B0671A963667C4aD

tickLensAddress: 0x9c7d30F93812f143b6Efa673DB8448EfCB9f747E

nftDescriptorLibraryAddressV1_3_0: 0x30cF3266240021f101e388D9b80959c42c068C7C

nonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptorAddressV1_3_0: 0xb9F2d038150E296CdAcF489813CE2Bbe976a4C62

descriptorProxyAddress: 0x8433dEA5F658D9003BB6e52c5170126179835DaC

nonfungibleTokenPositionManagerAddress: 0xfA928D3ABc512383b8E5E77edd2d5678696084F9

quoterV2Address: 0x117Fc8DEf58147016f92bAE713533dDB828aBB7e

swapRouter02: 0x2cB10Ac97F2C3dAEDEaB7b72DbaEb681891f51B8

permit2: 0x728BD3eC25D5EDBafebB84F3d67367Cd9EBC7693

universalrouter: 0x7712FA47387542819d4E35A23f8116C90C18767C


Uniswap V3 has already been deployed on Abstract.

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Strong support for Abstract. Killer team

This proposal has successfully completed the 7-day optimistic approval period, confirming the associated contracts as the official v3 deployment on Abstract. The UAC will update the v3-deployments.uniswap.eth registry to reflect this addition.

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