[RFC] Community Governance Process Changes

Other Internet supports this simplification.

One note: when Teo posted the original version of this proposal, we had the following suggestion:

more standardization around how to set up Snapshot polls would be helpful. Framing of “yes” and “no” votes could use particular attention (here are three different polls which each have different phrasings for yes and no votes — some do not show up in the UI properly). Using “no change” as a standard for no votes, at the very least, would be a reasonable starting place.

Still think that this would be useful language to add to a governance process update.

The current process has been enshrined in several third party apps like Boardroom. We’ll need to make a list of these projects and reach out to ensure the process documentation is correctly updated.

Lastly, not opposed to a 5 day RFC minimum. Not opposed to increased quorum.