[Proposal] Excluded Proxy Contract Airdrop — Phase 1

Metamask didn’t have swap before 1st September.

By the way, idk for Dharma, but apps like MEW or Monolith, the user could read exactly “Uniswap” or better, can CHOOSE to use Uniswap and not something else, and we talk about decentralization technology. So, there should be no reason to discriminate users using Uniswap directly from the website, or directly from a third app on their smartphone.

And in someway these apps have help Uniswap to become popular, I heard about it on apps, before using it directly myself (but post-1st september, like the 3rd or 4th), so I continue to find unfair in the way I choose to use it BEFORE the 1st september, and didn’t be rewarded because I didn’t use a centralized point, but used some proxy through third apps.

It’s not replay the game, it’s just be more into it, it’s not because you reward people with it, that people will run and selling it, maybe some will keep their UNI and participate into governance, or use it as liquidity/…

So yeah, you can choose to vote against this, but I think we should vote, it’s not changing the rule of the game by letting the vote decide, the vote define the rules.