Nomination and Election Process for the UNI-ARB Grant Program (UAGP) and Delegate Program (UADP)

Grant Program Application

1. Program: Uniswap Accelerator Grant Program (UAGP)

2. Applicant Information

3. Applicant Summary

I am a software engineer, entrepreneur, and investor who has been building in web3 since 2017. Previously, I worked on Ocean Protocol and API3 DAO, PrimeDAO, and was a founding member of Curve Labs. Currently, I serve as a co-founder and CEO at Daoism Systems, and I am also a Guardian at Safe DAO.

4. Uniswap and Arbitrum Involvement

I have been using Uniswap since its beta release in 2018 and have followed the development of Uniswap since then. I am looking forward to contributing to the ecosystem by participating in the Grant Program.

5. Experience with Grants or Delegate Programs

In the realm of grant and delegate programs, I bring to the table my experience from the Balancer Grants Program. Here, I was entrusted with the responsibility of executing technical evaluations of grantees.

6. Conflicts of Interest

I affirs that there are no conflicts of interest in my application for the UAGP.