Nomination and Election Process for the UNI-ARB Grant Program (UAGP) and Delegate Program (UADP)

1 - Program Selection: Grant Program (UAGP)

2 - Applicant Name: Shreddy

3 - Twitter: @shreddydefi

4 - Applicant Summary: I am a veteran DeFi contributor who has worked at protocols such as Olympus DAO, Spice Finance, & Jones DAO. In those organizations, I have always held head marketing positions, and am currently the head of marketing for Jones DAO. This program is really interesting to me because I have been looking to get involved in governance at a higher level. Recently, I was in the running to become the domain allocator for education, community, and events for Questbook’s grant program within the Arbitrum DAO. I did not end up winning, but came in a very close 2nd place with lots of support for my compelling planned initiatives.

I have a distinct focus on community, marketing, & education which makes me a great candidate to review any projects of this nature that apply for a UNI-ARB grant. I always value smaller grant requests with high impact, over bloated proposals.

5 - Involvement in Uniswap and/or Arbitrum community or prior initiatives:

While I have no prior experience with the Uniswap community, I have always been an admirer of Uniswap’s novel approaches to liquidity innovation and impressive volume. As anyone in DeFi should, I have conducted my fair share of swaps through Uniswap over the years. On the Arbitrum side of things, I am an ARB maxi at heart. Building an Arbitrum-native community over the last ~2 years at Jones DAO has been immensely rewarding. Through my time as head of marketing, I have established a dense rolodex of the most important people in the ecosystem, and gathered a cunning sense of what makes good protocols win.

6 - Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:

I do have prior experience with Grant programs through Olympus DAO. During my time as the marketing lead at Olympus, I helped construct two projects: Olympus Incubator & Olympus Grants, whose main objective it was to distribute grants for Olympus ecosystem builders. Through these programs, I helped teams such as: Vesta, viaMovr (now known as Holyheld), and Jones DAO itself; among a few other smaller projects.

My direct experience in grant program architecture building & grant approval can be very valuable to this Uniswap program.

7 - Any anticipated conflicts of interest:

As I am currently a Jones DAO contributor, I will recuse myself from any grant requests or decisions that would affect Jones.