Karpatkey Delegate Platform

Voting Actions 2024 - April 22nd - April 26th

Proposal: Onboarding package bundle
Vote: For
Reasoning: In the previous voting phases we voted for the majority of these oboarding packages. We are continiuing our support with this vote.

Proposal: Update Uni v3/v2 Deployment Process (March 2024)
Vote: For
Reasoning: We support updating the deployment process to make it more efficient and trust the Accountability Committee in the newly added permissions.

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Voting Actions 2024 - April 29th - May 3rd

Proposal: Mobilizing the Uniswap Treasury
Vote: For
Reasoning: In the previous voting phase we voted in support of this initiative. We are continuing our support with this vote.

Proposal: DeFi Education Fund Temp Check
Vote: Against
Reasoning: While we appreciate the overall importance of campaigning for supportive DeFi regulations to build a healthy environment for Uniswap’s growth, we are against the specific outline of the original DEF proposal.
We voted in support of the DeFi Education Fund in the alternative proposal.

Proposal: DeFi Education Fund Temp Check- Options
Vote: Fund 500,000 UNI
Reasoning: We recognize the value the Uniswap ecosystem would gain from supportive DeFi regulations and the risks that could arise from overregulation or unfriendly laws. Considering it is a follow-up request for funding, we think 500,000 UNI is a fair amount.

Voting Actions 2024 - May 6th - 10th

Proposal: [Temp Check] Uniswap Delegate Reward -3 Months-Cycle 1
Vote: Yes, proceed
Reasoning: As written in our delegate statement, we aim to contribute to the long-term sustainability of the Uniswap ecosystem actively and to improve its governance process. This program fits into that as a first step to increase participation rate and high-value discussion and action.

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Voting Actions 2024 - May 13th - 17th

Proposal: [Temp Check] Onboard Uniswap to Redstone
Vote: Deploy without incentives
Reasoning: We are supporting deploying Uniswap across blockchains, but the suggested amounts of incentives seem inappropriate when benchmarked with the metric-incentive ratio of other Onboarding Package recipients.

Voting Actions 2024 - May 27th - 31st

Proposal: Uniswap Delegate Reward- 3 Months Cycle 1
Vote: For
Reasoning: We are in favour of rewarding delegates for their contributions to the Uniswap DAO.

Proposal: DeFi Education Fund
Vote: For
Reasoning: We support initiatives aimed at assisting the DeFi industry from a legal standpoint. As signalled in our Snapshot voting, we are concerned about the amounts requested and the work being delivered. We would like to see diversified contributions to lobbying organisations rather than a large grant to a single entity. Despite this, we voted in favour of this proposal as a protection mechanism allows the DAO to take the funds back where appropriate.

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Voting Actions 2024 - June 17th - 21st

Proposal: Uniswap Arbitrum LTIPP Matching
Vote: #1 $750k #2 $1m #3 $500k #4 $250k #5 Do Not Fund
Reasoning: We are in favour of matching ARB incentives with UNI incentives. As ARB was at $0.77 at the time of voting, our first preference resulted in $750k in order to create a 1:1 match with the 1M ARB.

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