The Uniswap DAO has seen a large influx of delegates and community participants over the past couple of months. DAO-led programs have also increased in quantity. Unfortunately, many of these proposals and conversations can get lost in the swath of forum posts, making it difficult to keep track of what’s important and timely. It also takes some time for new entrants to become familiar with the DAO’s existing initiatives. To increase clarity around monthly DAO occurrences, we are resuming governance community calls, now led by the Uniswap Accountability Committee (UAC).
These calls will be hosted using Google Meets on the second Tuesday of every month, from 10am – 11am Eastern Time. You may refer to this calendar to keep track of meeting dates and links.
Note that these community calls are hosted by the DAO and are separate from the Uniswap Foundation’s calls.
This forum thread will provide updates and reminders regarding the monthly calls. We will be recording each of the meetings and tracking the attendance for delegates that are a part of the delegate reward program.
If you are ever interested in covering a particular proposal or discussion point regarding Uniswap governance in general, please feel free to reach out. Our team will collect a list of relevant topics for each call and contact authors of currently active proposals to ensure that they have a chance to directly interact with the community and fairly present their thoughts. The format of these calls will be a combination of quick, successive presentations from a couple of community members, followed by a live Q&A/discussion.
The first meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 10, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM ET.
If you are a part of the of cycle 2 of delegate rewards, we are giving teams a “free” absence due to the short notice for this call. We still encourage all teams to attend and engage with other delegates.
Most individuals with active discussions and proposals have already been contacted. If you have a topic that you feel is important to discuss, please send us a message.
Prospective itinerary:
- UAC Renewal and Accounts Rebalancing
- Update on New Incentive Distributions
- Base 2, 3, 4 bps fee-tiers (onchain vote)
- UTWG Status Update
- Conclusion of Uniswap-Arbitrum LTIPP
- Open Discussion: Experimentation with Temperature Checks
If you missed this week’s governance call, you may view the recording here.
And the presentation can be seen here.
For those who attended, you participation has also been logged. Note that this meeting is exempt from delegate reward points. Starting from the next call, we will be counting attendance.
The next community call will take place on Tuesday, October 8, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM ET.
If you are a part of the of cycle 2 of delegate rewards, we will be tracking attendance and counting it towards your monthly rewards.
If you have a topic that you feel is important to discuss, please send us a message.
To keep track of meetings, check this calendar.
Prospective itinerary:
- Introduction to the updated UAC team
- Uniswap Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) Update
- Fund for Delegate Legal Fees
- Update on Forse proposal
- Delegating UNI from the Treasury
- Quorum and Governance Attacks Discussion
- Uniswap Treasury Working Group (UTWG) Stability Fund Update
- Onboarding Lisk and World Chain
Thanks for the updates @AbdullahUmar Any chance that this or the future calls can be moved an hour later?
We can bring this up tomorrow and see if delegates want alternating meeting times. There’s no perfect time, unfortunately. Like moving it up an hour makes it tougher for Asia-based delegates. Let’s see.
It is indeed tricky. For some DAOs, they had a system where delegates can write their comments after watching the recording for those can’t make it. They had to make comments within 3-7 days of recording being shared.
If you missed the October governance call, you can view the recording here.
And the presentation can be seen here.
Delegates that are a part of the current rewards initiative were asked to complete a Google Form to track attendance. Responses have been recorded and will be reflected in this month’s compensation.
Since delegates have requested a survey regarding governance call timing, below are a handful of options for future calls. Meetings will still be held on the second Tuesday of each month to prevent more coordination complications. Feel free to select as many openings as you’d like.
- 10am - 11am ET (current timing)
- 11am - 12pm ET
- 3pm - 4pm ET
- 4pm - 5pm ET
- 7pm - 8pm ET
- 8pm - 9pm ET
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The next community call will take place on Tuesday, December 10, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM ET.
If you are a part of the of cycle 2 of delegate rewards, we will be tracking attendance and counting it towards your monthly rewards.
To keep track of meetings, check this calendar.
Prospective itinerary:
Uniswap Accountability Committee Chains & Accounting Update
Celo Deployment Proposal
Uniswap Ecosystem Incentives Initiative (UEII) Optimism Grant
Gauntlet’s LTIPP Evaluation for Arbitrum Incentives
SEAL Safe Harbor Agreement
UTWG Report Update
Uniswap DAO Principles Update
A couple of topics are still pending but may be pushed to January. If you have a topic that you feel is important to discuss, please send us a message.
Quick question- are we allowed to record the calls ourselves? Could we bring our own Otter.AI?
Yeah, I don’t see why not. We’ll also be using a tool to take notes automatically, so if the community wants those, we can post them. Not sure if multiple AIs creates an issue.
You can view the December community call here.
And the presentation is accessible here.
If you are a part of the delegate incentives program and were on the call but missed the QR code, please dm me.
The next community call will take place on tomorrow, Jan 14, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM ET.
If you are a part of the of cycle 2 of delegate rewards, we will be tracking attendance and counting it towards your monthly rewards.
To keep track of meetings, check this calendar.
Prospective itinerary:
- Uniswap Accountability Committee Update
- Uniswap Ecosystem Incentives Initiative (UEII) Optimism and zkSync Ignite Status
- Gauntlet’s LTIPP Evaluation for Arbitrum Incentives
- UF Security Fund (Areta)
- Reservoir + Protofire Update
- DeepDAO Pro Proposal
- Tally Update
- Uniswap Growth Update (AlphaGrowth)
- Uniswap Tendering System Idea (SeedGov)