Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee Next Steps & The Committee Application Thread


Following the release of the “Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee 6-month Report” by the Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee in late October, the Committee received valuable feedback on how to reflect the learnings and also how to set up the election process for the new Committee.

Original Proposal

The original proposal for the Committee can be found here. The objective of the Committee was as follows:

“The initial purview of the proposed Committee will be to liaise with projects seeking to deploy Uniswap; ensure deploying projects are correctly configured; and providing a recommendation to the community on whether to approve certain deployments.

At the end of the term the Committee will be subjected to review by the community to discuss areas of improvement and potential expansion of its scope to other kinds of partnerships beyond deployments.”

Also, in terms of the composition of the Committee and the duration:

“The initial Committee will have 5 members and a duration of 6 months to allow committee members to begin developing practices and processes that may meaningfully carry forward into future iterations of the committee.”

Next Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee Focus

As recommended in the 6 Month Report, the upcoming Committee should focus “more on upkeep and managing the pipeline of chains that are in the process. There will be many chains that promise incentives and ensuring they are accounted for diligently will be a high priority.”

While the next Committee might eventually be approved with ability to enforce as the Committee’s role was restricted to informational and liaison, the next Committee for now would not have enforcement abilities. However, ideally, information and transparency provided by the Committee to the Uniswap community and governance can act as scrutiny for proposals to ensure more accountability.

Next Committee Member Selection Process and the Duration

The Committee will be composed of 4 members, selected through a governance decision process similar to the original Committee, but with one fewer member. To ensure ample time for applications, a forum thread for the Committee member role will be available in the week leading up to Christmas. It’s important to note that the closing date for applications will be January 12th at 23:59 EST, considering the holiday season in late December and early January. On January 15th, a snapshot-weighted voting will take place, allowing each voter to distribute their voting power among any number of choices. The top four candidates will then be chosen as members for the upcoming Committee.

In terms of the duration of the next Committee, it will be once again 6 months. Therefore, the next Committee will span from mid-January to mid-July. Once the term ends, the next Committee should share learnings from the new program.

Next Committee Compensation

To more easily calculate the compensation, the retainer payment will be removed. But a legal fee reserve of $1,000 will stay. The payment for each member will comprise an hourly rate, paid at the end of the Committee role. Each member will track their own contribution hours. Hourly rate for all members is: $200/hour. But the cap will be 10 hours per month, so over 6 months, the max hours a member can work is 60 hours.

Other Details

As of December 15, 2023, the Committee multisig wallet at 0x3B59C6d0034490093460787566dc5D6cE17F2f9C still holds $59,000 worth of UNI. This amount is sufficient to cover the upcoming Committee, eliminating the need for any additional budget transfer.

Once the next Committee members are confirmed, the multisigs will be smoothly transitioned from the keys of the current Committee members to the keys of the incoming Committee members.


Application Form

Applicant Name:
Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):


Applicant Name: @Juanbug (@PGov)

Hello everyone! First off, I just wanted to say thanks to @Doo_StableLab for drafting this re-election post. For the last 6+ months, I’ve had the honor of working with him and three other talented committee members on the first cycle of this committee.

To be concise, I’ll link my first cycle nomination here since much is the same, but in short, leading the Penn Blockchain and PGov platforms for 2+ years has allowed me to help various teams with their deployments and I look forward to continue doing so. With this new iteration of the committee, I would like to see/do more on the topic of general accountability and not just cross chain deployments to the extent of which the DAO and UF approve. Further, I’m looking forward to v4 deployment proposals and doing more on the topic of promised incentive and liquidity accountability.

Thanks to everyone for their consideration and hope everyone has a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays & New Year!


Applicant Name: @Doo_StableLab [StableLab]
Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph):

There were a lot of lessons learned while participating in the first Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee. If selected again, this time will be focusing on reporting to improve the transparency for the Uniswap community. Experience in participating in various governance and committees focusing on evaluation and accountability will be an asset for the next Committee as well.


Applicant Name: Abdullah Umar (Michigan Blockchain / Arana Digital)

I’m applying for this role because of my previous work with 6 deployments in the last year. I’ve had the fortune to help facilitate the gov process and aid in authoring Uniswap v3 deployment proposals for

  • Avalanche C-chain
  • Moonbeam (Polkadot parachain)
  • Filecoin Virtual Machine
  • Base
  • Scroll
  • Rootstock (pending)

Collaborating closely with these protocols has helped me develop a sense of how to best conduct due diligence and assess these various deployments. Going forward, the goal of this committee should be to continually assess the efficacy of these deployments and deliberate how Uniswap’s multichain future should be shaped. This will become even more interesting with Uniswap v4 rolling out soon. Multiple dimensions of complexity will be introduced with hooks, and that requires diligently planning which chains deserve v4 deployments. My pursuit with the committee is to critically think about how Uniswap should adapt with the ever-innovating crypto space with the likes of more and more L2s, VMs, architectures like EVM parallelization–and ensure that the protocol continues to sustain and grow its marketshare.


Applicant Name: 0xpibblez (Blockworks Research)

Hey everyone, I’m glad to see a re-election process for the accountability committee. As a quick intro, I have been a research analyst at Blockworks Research for the past two years and started the recent Uniswap community calls that we are now conducting on a monthly basis. It looks like the committee was quite busy over the last term, and it’s exciting to see such high demand for Uniswap deployments across many chains.

I’m interested in joining the accountability committee to help oversee these potential new deployments, especially with v4 coming soon. It will be important to maintain momentum with new deployments and keep communication open and transparent across all parties. One way the committee can do this is to assign relationship leads within the committee and plot a firm cadence of communication to optimize the process. My role at Blockworks Research has enabled me to gain substantial experience in protocol relationship management. Our team is already connected with the majority of L1s and L2s and Blockworks tends to open a lot doors with key stakeholders at these companies. I would love the opportunity to contribute my skills to the accountability committee in any way possible to enhance positive outcomes for all stakeholders.


Applicant Name: @Frisson [Tally]

Applicant Summary: Hi Uniswap Delegates, I’m Frisson. My two primary roles are VP of Growth at Tally and Arbitrum DAO Delegate. I love Uniswap and have been looking for opportunities to contribute to the DAO. I’m excited to throw my hat in the ring for the Uniswap Deployment Accountability Committee! As VP of Growth, I manage the process of supporting new chains at Tally. I regularly evaluate new chain opportunities in terms of the market size and competitive environment, manage implementation, and drive business development/go-to-market. One area of focus I’m interested in bringing to the Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee is testing a proactive go-to-market strategy. I’d like to help the Uniswap DAO do more to drive adoption of Uniswap on deployed chains. There is a competitive environment for AMM adoption on most chains, with Uniswap often competing against “native” products. Often, competitive products to Uniswap receive grants to incentivize adoption, while Uniswap does not. The original Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee proposal suggests that we should “require that deployment proposals offer financial incentives to Uniswap”. I believe this approach is somewhat presumptuous and we would be better served by thoughtfully evaluating opportunities to partner with new chains to incentivize adoption. If appointed, I would implement a test go-to-market strategy for Uniswap on some deployed chains that is focused on identifying opportunities to incentivize adoption. I would document my efforts and measure success, then make a recommendation at the end of the six-month term on whether we should continue or expand such efforts.


Confirming the application is now closed and there will be a snapshot vote to select the top four candidates on January 15th.

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the voting is now out ! https://snapshot.org/#/uniswapgovernance.eth/proposal/0xe2fa09de5e3ff44b57c40b2fe049f43e47cb8e3b192bd1dc52ef3b42d8b5c363

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We would like to first state that all five applicants are highly qualified, each capable of contributing value to the committee. With that said, in the spirit of continuous improvement, we advocate for the inclusion of fresh perspectives. In line with this, we have voted for @0xpibblez, @Frisson, @AbdullahUmar. We value the innovative ideas presented by these applicants, particularly their proactive strategies and the proposal of data-driven approaches to assess success post-deployment.

Incumbency on the council is necessary — with five applicants and four spots, this is guaranteed, and a factor that also led us to prioritize the new candidates. Regardless of the outcome, we our confident that this committee will be successful and look forward to seeing what all it can accomplish over the next 6 months.


The below response reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @kaereste and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking and ideation of the two.

To an extent, we’re familiar with all the applicants for the UDAC and we strongly believe they all have solid experience to bring to the committee. Given the fact that we’re a relatively small delegate in Uniswap in terms of voting power, we’ve decided to throw our full weight behind Abdullah’s application.

We’ve seen how active he’s in the Uniswap DAO and we appreciate his proximity to several different deployments so far. We are confident he’s a great fit for the deployments accountability committee.


Congrats to @Juanbug @AbdullahUmar @0xpibblez @Frisson for being elected as the next Uniswap Deployments Accountability Committee members!

Over coming weeks, the members should create a group (such as Telegram) for communication and also have a temporary liaison (maybe @Juanbug ? as he’s already in both groups) to facilitate the multisig transition.