Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) - July/August Reporting

In early August we shared the UAGP Review Report with the DAO, which discussed everything from our operations as the UAGP committee, grant and program outcomes, key learnings, and the future prospects for the UAGP. While this report reflected on the operations of the UAGP from the 9 months since our inception, it is important to note that the program is not completely over. The UAGP has closed to new applications but will continue milestone-verification and reporting for our existing grantees until the beginning of February. This post reflects our first update since closing for new applications.

:camera_flash: Program Snapshot

:bookmark_tabs: Applications

As mentioned, new applications closed midway through this reporting period, and as of the time of writing, the program has received over 140 applications from a widely diverse group of projects. The following describes the final breakdown of application focus by each RFP category from the UAGP.

It should be noted that throughout operations, the UAGP received 0 applications under RFP 2: Arbitrum Testnet with EIP-1153 Enabled, which should be used to inform future grant program RFP design.

:moneybag: Financial

Reporting date: Sept 6th, 2024

Treasury Overview :moneybag:

Current Treasury (USDC)* Current Treasury (ARB)
974,615 102,641

*The UAGP holds the project treasury in USDC stablecoin converted at a rate of $2/ARB to operationally hedge currency risk for projects of ARB token.

Grants Overview :handshake:

Grants Promised for Payout (USD) Grants Already Paid Out (USD) % of Treasury Transferred (USD)
943,444 452,670 43%

:gear: Project Outcomes

Following a busy period of accomplishments last reporting, grantee milestone completion has tapered off in July/August. This can largely be attributed to the remaining milestones of grantees being larger downstream objectives, such as protocol launches. Additionally, there are 5 completed grants that no longer have reporting obligations to the UAGP, these are ephema, Rabbithole, Concero, Layer3, and Demeter Fetch.

One onboarded grantee, Angle, is waiting for the launch of Uniswap v4 before starting their reporting, as their UAGP milestone scope becomes relevant only after the launch. Additionally, it should be noted that there is a prospective grant within the UAGP pipeline, which is still being considered by the assessment team. The committee and applicant are in discussions regarding the merit and specifications of the potential grant which has delayed a decision.

Moving forward, the UAGP committee will operate in a lean structure. With the close of assessments and applications, the UAGP is excited to turn our attention toward supporting our grantees as they work toward their final grant objectives.

To track the individual project reporting highlights for this period, as well as review their responses to our key metric impact questions, please see our July/August reporting in Notion here.

Contact points

:white_circle: To find all info: UAGP Information Hub

:white_circle: To reach out: Discord

:white_circle: To stay up to date: Twitter

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