UNI should become an oracle token

Uniswap as a highly secure oracle system is much needed; and is a great idea. I am trying to grasp how UNI will be used in the model. My hope is it does not require extensive hardware requirements like running a full node. To be an oracle reporter is to be a holder of UNI, or does it require also being a Liquidity Pooler (with locked up funds) to gain UNI incentives or potential slashing in the case of maliciousness?

Is being an oracle a passive or active experience? I.e is the oracle in the center (like the treasury) passively running and token holders vote as a whole occasionally during a price dispute, or is each UNI token holder or LP’er actively reporting specific paired pricing constantly. How is off-chain currency data aggregated with UNI oracles?

I am in support of an improvement that allows token holders to become more engaged in the Ethereum ecosystem.