[RFC] Metal L2 Application for Canonical Uniswap V3 Deployment

Proposal Summary

  • The purpose of this post is to apply canonical Uniswap V3 deployment on Metal L2
  • All of the Uni v3 contracts have already been deployed
  • No further actions need to be taken by the DAO.

About Metal L2

Known as The Banking Layer on Optimism Superchain, Metal L2 is designed to be the bridge between Traditional Finance and Decentralized Finance. The core mission is to make it easy for consumers and financial institutions to get on and off chain both compliantly and efficiently. Metal L2 is part of The Digital Banking Network by Metallicus Inc (San Francisco, USA) where they are working closely with financial institutions.

Metal Pay, a fiat onramp and the fastest way to get on Metal L2 supports 47 States in the USA as well as Australia and New Zealand. We look forward to deepening our integration with Uni v3 protocol through Metal L2.

This proposal seeks to verify as canonical an existing Uniswap V3 deployment on Metal L2, The Banking Layer. This will enable continued usage of the Uniswap V3 protocol.

Proposal Stakeholders

Proposer: Metal DAO

Deployer: GFX Labs

Bridge Provider: Canonical

Target Chain: Metal L2

Proposal Sponsor: N/A

Deployment Details

As is the case with all canonical v3 deployments, this deployment will be subject to Ethereum Layer 1 Uniswap Protocol governance and control. The text record of the uniswap.eth ENS subdomain titled v3-deployments.uniswap.eth will be amended by the Accountability Committee to include the reference to the stated v3 contracts. The below contracts have been verified.


Uniswap V3 has already been deployed on Metal L2.