Proposal Summary
- The purpose of this post is to apply canonical Uniswap V3 deployment on Metal L2
- All of the Uni v3 contracts have already been deployed
- No further actions need to be taken by the DAO.
About Metal L2
Known as The Banking Layer on Optimism Superchain, Metal L2 is designed to be the bridge between Traditional Finance and Decentralized Finance. The core mission is to make it easy for consumers and financial institutions to get on and off chain both compliantly and efficiently. Metal L2 is part of The Digital Banking Network by Metallicus Inc (San Francisco, USA) where they are working closely with financial institutions.
Metal Pay, a fiat onramp and the fastest way to get on Metal L2 supports 47 States in the USA as well as Australia and New Zealand. We look forward to deepening our integration with Uni v3 protocol through Metal L2.
This proposal seeks to verify as canonical an existing Uniswap V3 deployment on Metal L2, The Banking Layer. This will enable continued usage of the Uniswap V3 protocol.
Proposal Stakeholders
Proposer: Metal DAO
Deployer: GFX Labs
Bridge Provider: Canonical
Target Chain: Metal L2
Proposal Sponsor: N/A
Deployment Details
As is the case with all canonical v3 deployments, this deployment will be subject to Ethereum Layer 1 Uniswap Protocol governance and control. The text record of the uniswap.eth ENS subdomain titled v3-deployments.uniswap.eth will be amended by the Accountability Committee to include the reference to the stated v3 contracts. The below contracts have been verified.
v3CoreFactoryAddress: 0xcb2436774C3e191c85056d248EF4260ce5f27A9D
multicall2Address: 0x5d6b0f5335ec95cD2aB7E52f2A0750dd86502435
proxyAdminAddress: 0x0d922Fb1Bc191F64970ac40376643808b4B74Df9
tickLensAddress: 0xB3309C48F8407651D918ca3Da4C45DE40109E641
nftDescriptorLibraryAddressV1_3_0: 0xE3dbcD53f4Ce1b06Ab200f4912BD35672e68f1FA
nonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptorAddressV1_3_0: 0x454050C4c9190390981Ac4b8d5AFcd7aC65eEffa
descriptorProxyAddress: 0x38EB9e62ABe4d3F70C0e161971F29593b8aE29FF
nonfungibleTokenPositionManagerAddress: 0x743E03cceB4af2efA3CC76838f6E8B50B63F184c
v3MigratorAddress: 0x8B3c541c30f9b29560f56B9E44b59718916B69EF
v3StakerAddress: 0x5911cB3633e764939edc2d92b7e1ad375Bb57649
quoterV2Address: 0xaa52bB8110fE38D0d2d2AF0B85C3A3eE622CA455
swapRouter02: 0x807F4E281B7A3B324825C64ca53c69F0b418dE40
UniversalRouter: 0x346239972d1fa486FC4a521031BC81bFB7D6e8a4
crossChainAccount: 0x447B8E40B0CdA8e55F405C86bC635D02d0540aB8
Uniswap V3 has already been deployed on Metal L2.