[POLL] How Would We Structure a Fee Reward?

Very interesting discussion, the option to switch on the fee should be available from mid march according to the 180 day time lock.

After reading through all these messages, I see the reasons not to buy and burn but to instead distribute X to all those that stake in the UNI voting contract for the following reasons;

  • Incentivises staking in the voting mechanism rather than just passive holding (As only those that register to vote get the benefits from fee distribution, encouraging more to vote)

  • Creates a situation where there is a P/E price of the token. (Based on $5 Uni, 400M volume and 100M tokens voting that’s about 6.8)

  • Similar to point 1, encourages user not to store there Uni on centralised exchanges. (As they’d be missing out on these rewards, reducing that attack vector)

Buy & burn, doesn’t properly achieve any of these goals.

The question then becomes what token should be

I see 5 reasonable choices in my opinion.