Nomination and Election Process for the UNI-ARB Grant Program (UAGP) and Delegate Program (UADP)

1. Grant Program (UAGP)
2. Applicant Name: Zeb
3. Twitter: @zeb_dyor
4. Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program (1 Paragraph): Having been a crypto researcher since 2015, I love learning more and applying my knowledge. Sitting on a grant committee allows you to be in touch with very early stage projects, guide them and build innovation. I have been a user of Uniswap since V1 and likewise have been using Arbitrum since it launched. Working on enhancing both would be super exciting. Also, I got reached out to by Emiliano from w3s to apply due to my prior experience, and after reading the proposal and discussions, I indeed think I would fit well in this program.
5. Involvement in Uniswap and/or Arbitrum community or prior initiatives: Was an airdrop recipient in both. And some governance forum activity at the start of Arbitrum Governance (sharing my knowledge on the grant programs) and once having been called in as an advisor on a Uniswap V2 LP analysis.
6. Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively: Was the kickstarter of the first sub-DAO of Balancer, the Balancer Grants subDAO. Was their grant lead and worked with ~30 grantees in 6 months allocating more than $1,000,000 in BAL. Due to this success, Game7 asked me to help set up their $100M Grant program.
7. Any anticipated conflicts of interest: I have been working as a crypto researcher / senior analyst for, which invests in a wide variety of crypto projects. Since 2019 I have been working with multiple DAOs, have been an advisor to many startups and am a mentor in the Outlier Ventures incubator program. Some of these are DEXs. But, in all fairness, none are real competitors to Uniswap, and none I work with are deployed on Arbitrum. Therefore I personally do not see any real conflict of interest, but more so me bringing a wealth of knowledge and network to the grant program.