Nomination and Election Process for the UNI-ARB Grant Program (UAGP) and Delegate Program (UADP)

Self Nomination for the UNI-ARB Grant Program (UAGP)

1. Grant Program (UAGP)
2. Applicant Name: Nneoma (StableLab)
3. Twitter: @nneomack
4. Applicant Summary

  • Greetings! I’m Nneoma, a Governance Analyst at StableLab. With experience contributing to notable DAOs as a delegate, I actively participate in discussions, evaluate proposals, and spearhead efforts to ensure effective operations while maintaining a perfect voting record. Additionally, I led initiatives bolstering ecosystem growth at various projects across Layer 1 ecosystems. As the former Developer Relations Lead at NEAR Protocol US, I onboarded high-impact projects, collaborated with core engineers to enhance DevEx, and consistently supported teams across sectors. This journey has sharpened my discernment for impactful initiatives and deepened my dedication to decentralized collaboration. At UAGP, I’m eager to leverage my technical background to identify and support impactful projects for the Uniswap and Arbitrum ecosystems, ensuring all initiatives align with set guidelines. My metagovernance perspectives resonate with UAGP and UADP’s ambitions to forge stronger inter-DAO connections and I’m excited about contributing to this promising endeavour. Thank you for considering my candidacy!

5. Involvement in Uniswap and/or Arbitrum community or prior initiatives:

  • I’m a longtime user of both protocols and have participated in various community forums and events. While my contributions to Uniswap and Arbitrum have been minimal so far, I am poised to significantly expand them through the UAGP program where I plan to leverage my skills and experience to support high-impact projects that drive both ecosystems forward.

6. Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively:

  • I contributed to the management of the ecosystem funnel that onboards and activates projects in the NEAR Protocol ecosystem and channels the most promising projects to NEAR Foundation and Proximity Finance grants and incubators.
  • I participate as a delegate in Lido DAO, SafeDAO, Starknet DAO and Element DAO.

7. Any anticipated conflicts of interest:

  • StableLab is involved in the governance of various protocols including Optimism, Aave, Lido, Safe, 1inch, Balancer, and Element. The full list can be found here . The co-founder of StableLab @Doo_StableLab also sits on the grant committee at time of writing.