Nomination and Election Process for the UNI-ARB Grant Program (UAGP) and Delegate Program (UADP)

  1. Grant Program (UAGP)

  2. Applicant Name: Marc (Blockshard)

  3. Twitter: @BumpyTale

  4. Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program: I am eager to apply for the UNI-ARB Grant Committee because my extensive background in blockchain, full-time dedication to the crypto industry since 2021 as the CEO and co-founder of Blockshard, along with over a decade of experience in grant proposal writing and evaluation, uniquely position me to contribute valuable insights and expertise to the Uniswap community, fostering innovation and growth within the ecosystem.

  5. Involvement in Uniswap and/or Arbitrum community or prior initiatives: While I’m not currently professionally involved in either the Uniswap or Arbitrum community, I am a long-term Uniswap user and have privately embraced Arbitrum as my preferred Layer 2 solution. Having been an airdrop recipient, most of my private crypto activities occur within the Arbitrum ecosystem, and I am enthusiastic about contributing more actively to both communities in a professional capacity as a Grants Committee member.

  6. Prior experience in Grants Programs: I have prior experience in grants programs through my current role on the grants committee of the SSV DAO. In this capacity, I evaluate proposals from teams building on the SSV protocol and provide guidance to successful grantees throughout the project’s development cycle until completion. This experience has equipped me with a deep understanding of the grant evaluation process and the ability to support project teams effectively.

  7. Any anticipated conflicts of interest: I do not anticipate any conflicts of interest since Blockshard is not professionally involved in either Uniswap or Arbitrum. My involvement in these communities is based on personal usage and support, ensuring no conflicts with my role on the Grants Committee.