Nomination and Election Process for the UNI-ARB Grant Program (UAGP) and Delegate Program (UADP)

  1. Grant Program (UAGP)
  2. Applicant Name: Lawrence (Omni Analytics Group)
  3. Twitter: @omnianalytics
  4. Applicant Summary: My passion for web3, grants, and open source began way back in 2019 when I started doing [text analysis on Gitcoin grants] to better understand how keywords in the description were correlated with the quadratic matching a project would receive. Since then my passion for leveraging data to improve decision making has only increased as I’ve lead my team of data scientists to work on projects for [Aave], [Gitcoin], [Ethereum Foundation], and [Uniswap].
  5. Involvement in Uniswap and/or Arbitrum community or prior initiatives: On the Arbitrum side, I am a long time $ARB airdrop hodler and participant in the [DAO sense-making activities during #GovMonth]. On the Uniswap side of things, I am a [former grant recipient], [analytics bounty winner], [snapshot voter], liquidity provider, and long time $UNI airdrop hodler. I both believe in and actively contribute to every community I am a part of in the best way I possibility can!
  6. Prior experience in either Grants or Delegate Programs, respectively: I currently hold the role as a reviewer for Aave Grants DAO where I am involved in all types of activities such as the standard grant reviewing, conducting video interviews with grantees, performing grantee accountability duties, collecting and analyzing data for governance updates and forum posts, research on special topics such as decentralization, and general cat herding when signature time rolls around. I’ve been in this capacity for a little over a year, have amassed a ton of experience and find the job extremely rewarding. Those warm fuzzy feelings I get over there are ultimately what motivated me to self-nominate for a similar position here and it is my hope that I can share my knowledge, expertise, experience and passion for grants with the Uni-Arb community!
  7. Any anticipated conflicts of interest: I currently hold a similar position as a grant reviewer for Aave Grants DAO. I don’t believe that is necessarily a conflict of interest, but if there is an objection, I will kindly rescind my nomination.