Nomination and Election Process for the UNI-ARB Grant Program (UAGP) and Delegate Program (UADP)

Grant Program (UAGP)

Applicant Name: Ignacio Rodriguez - Avantgarde Finance

Twitter: @avantgardefi

Applicant Summary including why interested in applying for the Program:
We’re eager to jump into the UNI-ARB Grant Committee because it compliments our skillset in DAO governance. We have been actively involved in reviewing the grants program for Enzyme and our team. Our team has a wide span of experience including developing DeFi technologies but also a sound knowledge of finance which lends itself well to the grants program. On a more personal level, my work has involved the management and coordination of development teams, operational processes, and governance tasks in DeFi. In joining the UNI-ARB Grant Committee, I plan to use that experience together with tapping into the broader talent pool and skillsets available at Avantgarde to help make this grants program a success.

Involvement in Uniswap and/or Arbitrum community or prior initiatives:
We’ve been active in Uniswap via gov.avantgardefi.eth., We also recently attended the first Blessing in NYC which was the first opportunity to learn more about uniswap v4 hooks and what is expected from delegates. More importantly, it was a chance to meet other delegates in person and brainstorm on ways to make the ecosystem more successful.

Prior experience in Grants Programs:
Avantgarde has supported theEnzyme grants program for nearly nearly five years. We have experience in assessing applicants and structuring milestones and compensation in such a way that minimises downside and enhances the chances of achieving the best results.

Any anticipated conflicts of interest:
Core contributor to Enzyme protocol (exposed to MLN)