Governance Weekly Recap

Week of October 24, 2022


Happy Halloween! :ghost:

:speaking_head: It’s survey season! Take them all to help form the future: Here’s one about creating a pro user interface, one about the Fee Switch, one about governance participation, and one for testing a DAO proposal feed.


Nothing active this week.

In the Forums

Incentivizing liquidity on Optimism and Arbitrum. @devenmatthews wonders if the old conversation has continued elsewhere.

Uniswap pro trading interface. @GFXLabs is still doing user research for this — fill out the survey!

More user research: @SamB23 from Alastor asks Uniswap LPs to fill out a survey for a report on the Fee Switch (funded by a Uniswap grant).

In Discord

There’s a vote planned for November / December on the three test pools for fee sharing on Uniswap V3.

Take the survey to beta-test Holdim, a feed for DAO proposals.

And take this survey on governance participation from Harvard/Abra, which is “aimed in the long run to introduce novel ‘hive mind’ mechanisms.”

Anon forums. How would they affect the quality of discussion?

On Twitter

Uniswap V3 TWAP Oracles in Proof of Stake, a research piece from Uniswap Labs.

Optimism-Uniswap liquidity mining: Phase 1 of the recently approved incentive program is live.

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