I should’ve read this post before, but thanks for clarity.
I was not referring exclusively to Discord, but I’m glad that front is covered.
Short-sighted selfishness on my part, really. I’d prefer if someone else paid this for me. I see it this way, there are some employees giving support for free. That support probably gives some value to UNI. That’s good. Now those employees suggest that they will move on to other things, but they would be interested in continuing providing this support in exchange of getting (at this moment) ~78k$.
I don’t know how much Discord support Uniswap is getting. How many employees are we talking about? Is this service feasible to obtain from someone else for ~20k$? Why or why not?
We don’t have a problem with this at the moment. Might be because you are taking care of it, or might be because it’s not such a significant problem.
If this becomes a serious problem and price tanks due to unsufficient support, maybe a whale or two will take care of the problem temporarily.
A short thought too, is spoonfeeding and giving easy solutions to people who are not willing to read the FAQ or do the barest amount of research good for the token? Why or why not? Maybe not helping incentivizes them to get up and do the research. I’m no marketer so I don’t have much of a clue about these things.